Samstag, 31. März 2012

Radioactive Canned Salmon: 18 Bq/Kg Of Radioactive Cesium

- 18 Bq/kg of Radioactive Cesium from Canned Salmon (EX-SKF, March 29, 2012): (Update: Checked the corporate site of Maruha Nichiro. It is “pink salmon” or “humpback salmon”, in northern Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Japan Sea, Iwate Prefecture, and Hokkaido.) ============================ Seikatsu Club is a co-op that has been publishing the results [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 29. März 2012

Insane Japan: Elementary School Children Used To Search For Hotspots Around School

- Elementary school has their students search for hotspot around the school (Fukushima Diary, Mar 28, 2012): Japanese elementary school have their students measure radiation at a class and one of them found a hotspot of 0.8?Sv/h on the roof of the building. The school is in Hayama, near Kamakura. In the end, they removed [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 27. März 2012

Fukushima Nuclear Plant: Another Leak From Reverse Osmosis System, Probably Containing High Tritium and Beta Contamination

- #Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Leak from Reverse Osmosis Apparatus (Desalination), Probably High Tritium and Beta Contamination (EX-SKF, Mar 25, 2012): Another leak at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, and no one cares. Not even TEPCO cares, as the leak was first found at 8:30AM on March 26, but there will be no press conference [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 26. März 2012

Another Death Marathon In High-Radiation Minami Soma City (On March 25, 2012) Featuring Elementary School Boys And Girls

Flashback: - ‘Let’s Die Together’ – Radioactive Ekiden Marathon In Fukushima – Radiation Levels As High As Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Zone (Pics – Video) At least we now know the Japanese government’s favorite (satanic) music album: YouTube - Recovery and Recontruction Marathon in High-Radiation Minami Soma City in Fukushima on March 25, Featuring Elementary School [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 24. März 2012

Radioactive School Lunches: Cesium Detected In Every Milk Product

- Cesium measured from every milk used for school lunch (Fukushima Diary, Mar 22, 2012): Kunitachi Tokyo published their measurement data of school lunch. They outsourced the measuring of milk products and a few kinds of the vegetables to Isotope research institute. As the result, cesium 134, 137 have been measured from milk products every [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 22. März 2012

Obama Regime Seizes Control Over All Food, Farms, Livestock, Farm Equipment, Fertilizer And Food Production Across America Per Executive Order

- Obama seizes control over all food, farms, livestock, farm equipment, fertilizer and food production across America (Natural News, March 20, 2012): “We told ya so” just doesn’t quite cut it anymore. As the American sheeple slept, selfishly refusing to take a stand against tyranny, the Obama administration has been plotting what can only be [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 21. März 2012

Strong 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Mexico City

The earthquake has been downgraded from a … - Powerful 7.9 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Mexico City, No Tsunami Warning (ZeroHedge, Mar 20, 2012) … to a strong … - Magnitude 7.4 – OAXACA, MEXICO (USGS, , Mar 20, 2012) In other news: - Strong Earthquake Strikes Near Acapulco, Damages Around 800 Homes (CBS Houston/AP, Mar 20, [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 19. März 2012

2011: The Year Of The Earthquake (Video)

YouTube Added: 10.02.2012 Description: This is truly profound to see — the year of 2011 earthquakes plotted out on a orthographic (globe) map — ANIMATED WITH SOUND INTENSITY for each earthquake!! continue reading world news

Samstag, 17. März 2012

Small Tsunami Hits Japan After Strong 6.9 Magnitude Earthquake

See also: - Fallout Is Increasing In Fukushima Again - Small tsunami hits Japan after 6.9 quake (AFP, Mar 15, 2012): A small tsunami hit Japan’s northeastern coastline on Wednesday, officials said, after a strong earthquake rocked the region almost exactly a year on from the country’s worst post-war natural disaster. A 6.9-magnitude quake struck [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 15. März 2012

Japan: Earthquake Information – Earthquakes Within The Last Week

- Earthquake Information – Earthquakes within the last week (Japan Meteorological Agency) continue reading world news

Dienstag, 13. März 2012

Radioactive Japan: ‘Tokyo Citizens Were Irradiated’ – Cyndi Lauper: ‘Aggressively Buy Fukushima Pref. Products’ – More Municipalities Embrace Death, Say Yes To Disaster Debris – Fukushima Blogger’s Blog Has Been Shut Down – Iodine 131 Detected In WELL WATER – Former Washington Post Writer Fed Up With Selfish And Irrational Japanese

- “Tokyo citizens were irradiated” (Fukushima Diary, Mar 12, 2012): Though Japanese media manipulated the statement of Japanese emperor, Mr. Sugaya, the Matsumoto city mayor managed to tell the truth on NHK’s news show. ???NHK????9???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? — ????? (@sayakaiurani) March 12, 2012 <Translate> On today’s News9 of NHK, Mr. Sugaya, the Matsumoto city mayor, [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 11. März 2012

The Fallout: Japan’s Radioactive Zone Frozen In Time – Radioactive Snow Falling On Fukushima City (And Its 300,000 People) – (MSNBC – Video)

Decontamination in Japan = house-cleaning. Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Description: Nearly a year after an earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan, NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel journeys to a place still frozen in the moments after the magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck. Engel visits the exclusion zone [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 10. März 2012

Plutonium-241 Found 32 Kilometers From Fukushima Nuclear Plant, Says National Institute Of Radiological Sciences After Nearly One Year

- Plutonium-241 of Fukushima Origin Found 32 Kilometers from the Plant, Says National Institute of Radiological Sciences After Nearly One Year (EX-SKF, Mar 8, 2012): The National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) knew about it since May last year, but decided to keep quiet. Why? It’s yet another case of the researchers waiting until their [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 8. März 2012

Japan Government Suppressed Key Radiation Report: ‘Could By No Means Be Released To The Public’

From the article: Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secretary, told the investigation that he feared, “If that happens, then Tokyo will be finished.” In fact Tokyo is finished: - Tokyo Burns Radioactive Waste In 23 Incinerators All Over The City!!! - U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Alan Thompson Reported 1,500 MICROSIEVERTS Per Hour Thyroid Dose South [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 6. März 2012

Discovery Of Neptunium-239 (Decays Into Plutonium-239) In Iitate-Mura Finally Published In Scientific Paper (Nearly 1 Year After Discovery)

Flashback: - Media Concealed Leaked TEPCO Report: 120 Billion Becquerels of Plutonium, 7.6 Trillion Becquerels of Neptunium (Decays Into Plutonium) Released In First 100 Hours - Huge Amounts Of Neptunium 239 Detected 60 Km From Fukushima!!! - Discovery of Neptunium-239 in Iitate-mura Finally Published by a Peer-Review Magazine (Nearly One Year after the Discovery) (EX-SKF, [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 4. März 2012

Scientists: Mind-Boggling 40,000 TRILLION Becquerels Of Radioactive Cesium Released From Fukushima Nuclear Plant

And these are numbers brought to you by Asahi  and  it is only cesium!!! Where are hundreds of tons of MOX fuel (containing plutonium and uranium)? - Fukushima MOX Reactor 3 SFP Is GONE!!! (Video) And scientists measured plutonium in Lithuania, that has been identified to be from Fukushima (not from Chernobyl). - Scientists: Far [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 2. März 2012

Fukushima MOX Reactor 3 SFP Is GONE!!! (Video)

Reactor 3 SFP contained hundreds of tons of MOX fuel (containing PLUTONIUM and URANIUM)! - Fuel storage pool of reactor 3 collapsed most of the part (Fukushima Diary, Feb. 29, 2012): Having no-fly zone of Fukushima plants from 20km to 3km, TBS ANN caught Fukushima plants from helicopter. However, they couldn’t find the fuel storage [...] continue reading world news