Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

Cyanobacteria And Alpha Radiation Detected 350 Km From Fukushima Daiichi (Video)

- Cyanobacteria and alpha radiation detected 350km from Fukushima Daiichi (VIDEOS) (ENENews, May 30, 2012) continue reading world news

Montag, 28. Mai 2012

Dr. Satoshi Mori’s Radioautograph Of Japanese Cypress Leaves (At 17,000 Bq/Kg) From Iitate-Mura, Fukushima

- Radioautograph of Japanese Cypress Leaves from Iitate-mura, Fukushima (EX-SKF, May 27, 2012): Dr. Satoshi Mori of Tokyo University has a radioautograph of Japanese cypress leaves that he took from Iitate-mura in Fukushima Prefecture last year in his blog. He says he cannot help feeling pity for the tree: From Dr. Mori’s blog (5/24/2012): ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 26. Mai 2012

Fukushima Radiation Cover-Up Continues – Here’s How To Protect Yourself

If you take Vitamin C from Acerola and take it together with grapeseed powder or extract, then the protection that Vitamin C will give you will be 1000 times stronger. Children who lost their hair from the Chernobyl radiation grew it back when supplemented with Spirulina. Why is it that close to no website mentions [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012

Tokyo Soil So Contaminated With Radiation It Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The U.S. – If Reactor 4 Fuel Explodes, The World Is Done For

- Tokyo soil so contaminated with radiation it would be considered nuclear waste in US (Natural News, May 24, 2012): Radioactive fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster continues to show up at dangerously high levels in the city of Tokyo, which is located roughly 200 miles from the actual disaster site. According to an [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012

Radioactive Japan: Double-Headed Worm Found In Miyagi (Pics)

- Double-headed worm in Miyagi (Fukushima Diary, May 19, 2012): Following up this article..Double-headed flowers Double-headed worm was found in Natori city Miyagi. It was in the street gutter. Source continue reading world news

Montag, 21. Mai 2012

Fukushima Doctor: We need outside help, Japanese people not listening — We are now in very bad condition, especially for children — Please help (VIDEO)

- Fukushima Doctor: We need outside help, Japanese people not listening — We are now in very bad condition, especially for children — Please help (VIDEO) (ENENews, May 18, 2012) continue reading world news

Samstag, 19. Mai 2012

Japan’s West Coast 10 Times More Contaminated Than Belarus Mandatory Evacuation Zone

- West coast of Japan 10 times more contaminated than mandatory evacuation zone in Belarus (Fukushima Diary, May 16, 2012): Following up this article..1.4 ?Sv/h of alpha ray in Niigata 500,000Bq/kg of cesium was measured on the roof of Yamagata university, announced in Yamagata prefectural disaster committee on 5/30/2011. It was the dust accumulated around [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2012

Low-Level Radiation: New Atomic-Bomb Survivor Study (Video)

MUST-SEE! See also: - Mysterious Illness Strikes Hundreds Of Flight Attendants, Causes Rashes And Hair Loss … Because Of FUKUSHIMA (Forget About The Toxic Uniform Myth) - Columbia Medical Professor: Inhaling Just One Radioactive Hot Particle Can Cause Cancer (Video) YouTube Added: 15.05.2012 Description: New atomic-bomb survivor study Ozasa et al, 2012 Prior A-bomb-survivor [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012

Footage Of Explosion At Fukushima Unit No. 4 Said To Exist (VIDEO)

- Footage of explosion at Unit No. 4 said to exist (VIDEO) (ENENews, May 13, 2012) continue reading world news

Sonntag, 13. Mai 2012

After The Media Has Gone: Fukushima, Suicide And The Legacy Of 3.11

- After The Media Has Gone: Fukushima, Suicide and the Legacy of 3.11 (Japan Focus, May 7, 2012): For the media, time is of the essence in a news story.  The March 11, 2011 disaster attracted thousands of reporters and photographers from around the world.  There was a brief deluge of Japanese and international media [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 11. Mai 2012

Radioactive Japan: Minamisoma Is 122 Times More Contaminated Than Mandatory Evacuation Zone In Belarus

- Minamisoma is 122 times more contaminated than mandatory evacuation zone in Belarus (Fukushima Diary, May 9, 2012): Mr. Oyama, a Minamisoma city councilor measured cesium 134 / 137 of the soil of Minamisoma city. ??????????????????????????????134?137???????? The analysis was done by a laboratory of Minamisoma local government. ??????????????????? The result is like this graph below. [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

BP Oil Spill Photos Posted By Greenpeace Following Freedom Of Information Request

- BP Oil Spill Photos Posted By Greenpeace Following Freedom Of Information Request (Huffington Post, May 8, 2012) continue reading world news

Montag, 7. Mai 2012

If Fukushima Unit 4 Falls, Hazardous Radioactive Cesium-137 Release Could Be Eight Times Worse Than Chernobyl – Reactor’s Ability To Withstand Another Earthquake Rated As ‘ZERO’

- If Fukushima Unit 4 Falls, Hazardous Radioactive Cesium-137 Release Could be Eight Times Worse Than Chernobyl (Enews Park Forest Service, May 4, 2012): Reactor’s ability to withstand another earthquake rated as “zero” TAKOMA PARK, MD–(ENWESPF)–May 4 – Beyond Nuclear today joined with concerned Japanese citizen groups and US Senator, Ron Wyden (D-OR), urging that [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 5. Mai 2012

Radioactive Japan: 124.8 MicroSieverts/Hour In Lidatemura AFTER Decontamination

- 124.8?Sv/h in Iidatemura after decontamination (Fukushima Diary, May 3, 2012)   continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012

The Perigee ‘Super Moon’ On May 5-6, 2012 (NASA ScienceCast Video)

- Perigee “Super Moon” On May 5-6 (NASA, May 2, 2012): May 2, 2012: The full Moon has a reputation for trouble. It raises high tides, it makes dogs howl, it wakes you up in the middle of the night with beams of moonlight stealing through drapes. If a moonbeam wakes you up on the [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012

Geiger Counter-Wielding Fukushima Hipsters Make Monitoring Nuclear Fallout Cool, Detect Elevated Radiation Levels Around Kids Playing Barefoot In A Stream (Video)

Related info: - Thyroid Nodules Rate 20 Times Higher In Fukushima Than In Chernobyl - Geiger Counter-Wielding Fukushima Hipsters Make Monitoring Nuclear Fallout Cool (Gawker,April 30, 2012): It’s been more than a year since the Japanese tusnami caused a meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant and the clean-up continues. But a bit of background radiation [...] continue reading world news