Montag, 30. Dezember 2013

Mystery Illness Killing Bald Eagles In Western U.S. – Wings Paralyzed, Full Blown Seizures

- ‘High Alert’: Mystery illness killing bald eagles in Western U.S. — Wings paralyzed, full blown seizures — Experts: “Very big concern”… “Never seen anything like this”… “It’s something new”… “We just don’t know what’s going on” (VIDEOS) (ENENews, dec 29, 2013): KUTV, Dec. 28, 2013: Wildlife experts are on high alert as more bald […] continue reading world news

Samstag, 28. Dezember 2013

Holiday havoc as winter weather causes TWO massive Pennsylvania pileups and widespread power outages continue for nearly 100,000 families

- Holiday havoc as winter weather causes TWO massive Pennsylvania pileups and widespread power outages continue for nearly 100,000 families (Daily Mail, Dec 26, 2013) continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 26. Dezember 2013

Virus Kills Over 1,000 Bottlenose Dolphins Along US East Coast

“The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything.” Every dolphin is heavily contaminated with mercury. See also: - The Cove – Oscar Award Winner (‘Best Documentary’) - Virus Kills Over 1,000 Bottlenose Dolphins Along US East Coast (Business Insider/Reuters, Dec 23, 2013): ORLANDO (Reuters) – More than 1,000 migratory bottlenose dolphins have died […] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2013

Pelicans Starving In Pacific Northwest Since 2011, Killing Baby Birds For Food – ‘Sardine Crash’ Persists In Pacific Since Decline In 2011

- Experts: “Really an off year” — Pelicans starving in Pacific Northwest since 2011, killing baby birds for food — Breeding success “really poor” since 2011 — “I believe pelicans are responding to large scale changes” — “Sardine crash” persists in Pacific since decline in 2011 (ENENews, Dec 22, 2013): Laird Henckel, environmental scientist for […] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013

CNN: Severe And Strange Weather Sweeps Nation

- Severe and strange weather sweeps nation, threatens holiday travelers (CNN, Dec 22, 2013): The weekend before Christmas, Mother Nature is gifting — or, rather, clobbering — the United States with a little bit of everything. Ice storms, snow, flooding, thunderstorms, tornadoes and record-setting warmth are all in store, and with this maddening mix comes […] continue reading world news

Freitag, 20. Dezember 2013

10 Times Over Safety Limit In Fish 2 Km Offshore Of Fukushima Daini

- 1,070 Bq/Kg of Cesium-134/137 detected from fish 2km offshore of Fukushima Daini / Over 10 times much as safety limit (Fukushima Diary, Dec 18, 2013) continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2013

16 Signs That ‘Global Warming’ Was A Lie And That We Have Now Entered A Period Of Global Cooling

FYI. See also: - Most Arctic Sea Ice For A Decade - September 21 Breaks The Record For Most Sea Ice Ever Measured At Either Pole - Arctic Ice Sheets Rapidly Expand, Planet Plunges Into Global Cooling, Global Warming Computer Models Collapse - 16 Signs That “Global Warming” Was A Lie And That We Have […] continue reading world news

Montag, 16. Dezember 2013

General Electric Knew Its Reactor Design Was Unsafe … So Why Isn’t GE Getting Any Heat For Fukushima?

- General Electric Knew Its Reactor Design Was Unsafe … So Why Isn’t GE Getting Any Heat for Fukushima? (Washington’s Blog, Dec 11, 2013): GE Engineers and American Government Officials Warned of Dangerous Nuclear Design 5 of the 6 nuclear reactors at Fukushima are General Electric Mark 1 reactors. GE knew decades ago that the […] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 15. Dezember 2013

‘UNPRECEDENTED’: China Bans All Imports Of Shellfish From U.S. West Coast (Washington, Oregon, Alaska And N. California), Ban Will Continue Indefinitely

- ‘Unprecedented’: China bans all imports of shellfish from U.S. West Coast — Official: “They’ve never done anything like that that I’ve ever seen” — Includes Washington, Oregon, Alaska and N. California — Gov’t says it will continue indefinitely (AUDIO) (ENENews, Dec 13, 2013): KUOW, Dec. 13, 2013: China Imposes First-Ever West Coast Shellfish Ban […] continue reading world news

Freitag, 13. Dezember 2013

Large Die-Off Of Alaska Seabirds From Disease Never Found Before In State History

- Large die-off of Alaska seabirds from disease never found before in state history — Official: It’s super, super common… except it’s first time — Hundreds dead per km²; Continued to wash ashore — ‘Relatively’ natural; Witness: Head flopped backward, appeared to have seizure, then dropped dead (AUDIO) (ENENews, Dec 12, 2013): Anchorage Daily News: [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2013

US Nuclear Officials: Fuel Fragments Were Likely Ejected From Cladding At The 3 Fukushima Reactors – Particles Of Fuel Resemble Highly Radioactive ‘Mystery Black Substance’ Often Seen In Japan Since 3/11

Flashback: - Fukushima: Black Substance At 43 MILLION Bq/Kg Of Cesium - Tokyo: Radioactive Black Substance Is Now ‘EVERYWHERE’ (Videos) - US Nuclear Officials: Fuel fragments were likely ejected from cladding at the 3 Fukushima reactors — Particles of fuel resemble highly radioactive ‘mystery black substance’ often seen in Japan since 3/11 (PHOTOS) (ENENews, Dec [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 9. Dezember 2013

Fukushima: Radiation Level In Underground Water Well Near Ocean Hits Another Record High, Now At 1.4 Billion Bq/m³ Of Strontium/Beta Emitters

- Record radiation level in underground water well near ocean at Fukushima — Tepco: “Rise in radiation readings is an obvious concern” — 1.4 billion Bq/m³ of strontium/beta emitters (ENENews, Dec 8, 2013): TEPCO: Immediate release: GRADUAL RISE IN RADIATION READINGS AT WELL MAY BE LINKED TO IMPROVEMENTS IN GROUNDWATER CONTROL, Dec. 5, 2013 (emphasis [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 7. Dezember 2013

Britain battered by worst tidal surge in 60 years: Sea walls breached as 20ft waves smash string of east coast towns

- Britain battered by worst tidal surge in 60 years: Sea walls breached as 20ft waves smash string of east coast towns (Daily Mail Dec 4, 2013) continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

Fukushima Two Years On: A Dirty Job With No End In Sight

FYI. - Fukushima two years on: a dirty job with no end in sight (Guardian, Dec 3, 2013): The tsunami that wrecked the Fukushima Daiichi power plant has led to the toughest nuclear cleanup ever. Radioactive water is still poisoning the sea – and it could take 40 years to fix the mess. Is Japan [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013

Fukushima’s Gigantic Strontium-90 Release

- Study finds giant strontium-90 release into body of water begins around 1,000 days after meltdown — Dec. 5, 2013 = thousand days after 3/11 — Graphic shows very high levels being discharged for up to 50,000 days (ENENEws, Dec 2, 2013): Background information on Fukushima Arjun Makhijani, nuclear expert and President of the Institute [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 1. Dezember 2013

Scientist: Leading edge of Fukushima plume is now showing up on West Coast — Fish Market Owner: My customers have a lot of concerns about the nuclear contamination, they’re very smart and educated… I didn’t expect this much concern

Even before the Fukushima disaster seafood was heavily contaminated and in my opinion unfit for human consumption. – Scientist: Leading edge of Fukushima plume is now showing up on West Coast — Fish Market Owner: My customers have a lot of concerns about the nuclear contamination, they’re very smart and educated… I didn’t expect this [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 29. November 2013

Scientists Detect Fukushima’s Radioactive Plume Offshore Canada – Prof: Monitoring Rainfall Over Next Couple Years Would Be Prudent

Flashback: “Buckyballs”: - A Radioactive Nightmare … Coming To The U.S. More articles on the buckyballs nightmare HERE (at “… new UC Davis report about uranium-filled “buckyballs” and proof that sea mist carries radiation inland for hundreds of miles …” (Source) - CBC: Gov’t scientists are now detecting Fukushima’s radioactive plume offshore of Canada [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 27. November 2013

Unprecedented Concentration Of Sea Creatures Near Shore In California

Related info: - Fukushima Radiation Plume To Hit U.S. West Coast Any Day Now – Senior Scientist: ‘Really Bizarre’ U.S. Not Testing - NYTimes: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded — Biologist: “It’s a very strange year… The $64,000 question is why?” — Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 25. November 2013

Only Half Of Drugs Removed By Sewage Treatment (Scientific American)

- Only Half of Drugs Removed by Sewage Treatment (Scientific American, Nov 22, 2013): Only about half of the prescription drugs and other newly emerging contaminants in sewage are removed by treatment plants. That’s the finding of a new report by the International Joint Commission, a consortium of officials from the United States and Canada [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 23. November 2013

Fukushima Update (Nov 22, 2013): Sailors In Hawaii Asked To Monitor Fukushima Plumes

ENENews, Nov 22, 2013: - Sailors in Hawaii being asked to monitor Fukushima plumes — TV: New type of debris washing up on islands, “Really looks different… it’s more current driven” — Study: Japan nuclear contamination moving same speed as current (VIDEO) - Tepco Adviser: Wait until Alaska salmon is found with Fukushima contamination, it’s [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 21. November 2013

Fukushima Reactor Designer: I doubt plant can be decommissioned, perhaps enclose it in cement – Nuclear Professor: Solution is to pour concrete all over, but now it’s too late

- Fukushima Reactor Designer: I doubt plant can be decommissioned, perhaps enclose it in cement — Nuclear Professor: Solution is to pour concrete all over, but now it’s too late (VIDEO) (ENENews, Nov 19, 2013): Associated Press, Nov. 19, 2013: “I doubt if Fukushima Dai-ichi’s full decommissioning is possible. Its contamination is so widespread,” said [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 19. November 2013

Alaska: 28% of polar bears with skin lesions & hair loss tested for thyroid abnormalities, like symptoms in seals & walrus – Surprisingly high mortality of musk ox, weak immune system suspected – High rate of embryo deaths & bad eggs for geese

- Alaska: 28% of polar bears with skin lesions & hair loss tested for thyroid abnormalities, like symptoms in seals & walrus — Surprisingly high mortality of musk ox, weak immune system suspected — High rate of embryo deaths & bad eggs for geese (ENENews, Nov 18, 2013): Wildlife Disease and Environmental Health in Alaska: [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 17. November 2013

Columnist: The Truth Must Be Told, Fukushima A Major Global Threat To All Living Flora And Fauna … – Gundersen: Only Thing Saving Us Is The Internet

- Columnist: The truth must be told, Fukushima a major global threat to all living flora and fauna… Mainstream media not best source of information — Gundersen: Only thing saving us is the internet (AUDIO) (ENENews, Nov 16, 2013): Columnist Kay MacDuffee, for the Caledon Enterprise (Greater Toronto), Nov. 13, 2013: [...] perhaps the most [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 15. November 2013

TOTAL INSANITY At Fukushima Exposed By Fukushima Workers

- TV: Fukushima workers “fear for their own safety” — “The truth is astonishing… I don’t dare wash my hands, even after using toilet” (VIDEO) (ENENews, Nov 14, 2013): NTD Television, Nov. 13, 2013: According to reports by one of the major newspapers in Japan, Mainichi Shimbun, the decontamination workers used to throw the contaminated [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 13. November 2013

Gulf Of Mexico: Disturbing Research: Large Spike In Deadly Flesh-Eating Bacteria After BP Oil Spill – It’s ‘In Their Bloodstream … Affects All Organs’

- TV: University’s research “is so disturbing” — Large spike in deadly flesh-eating bacteria after BP oil spill in Gulf — Expert: Take it very seriously — It’s “in their bloodstream… affects all organs” (VIDEO) (ENENews, Nov 12, 2013): WKRG, Nov. 5, 2013: [Doctor Cova Arias, professor of aquatic microbiology at Auburn University and vibrio [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 11. November 2013

Tokyo Area Hit By Magnitude 5.5 Earthquake

- Tokyo area hit by magnitude 5.5 earthquake (Reuters, Nov 9, 2013): An earthquake with preliminary magnitude of 5.5 shook eastern Japan, including the capital Tokyo, on Sunday morning, but there were no immediate reports of damage and no irregularities at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant. The earthquake was centered in southwest Ibaraki Prefecture, [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 9. November 2013

Super Typhoon Haiyan Hits Central Philippines, Makes Sandy, Katrina Look Like Weak Cousins

- One of world’s strongest storms hits Philippines (CBS News, Nov 8, 2013): One of the strongest storms on record slammed into the central Philippines on Friday, killing at least four people, forcing hundreds of thousands from their homes and knocking out power and communications in several provinces. But the nation appeared to avoid a [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 7. November 2013

Exploding Neurodegenerative Disease Due To Chemtrail Toxins

- Neurologist Warns of Exploding Neurodegenerative Disease Due to Chemtrail Toxins (Natural Society, Oct 31, 2013): Chemtrails are real and they are dangerous, yet so many people still deny their existence. Well if a former Airforce veteran, chemicals and bio-environmental engineering whistle blower or other researchers aren’t convincing enough, then perhaps a neurologist will help people [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Sardine Population Plummets Along U.S. West Coast – ‘Canadian Pacific Fishermen Catch No Sardines In 2013? – AP: Collapse Of Species Feared

- Sardine population plummets along U.S. West Coast — AP: Collapse of species feared — “Canadian Pacific fishermen catch no sardines in 2013? (ENENews, Oct 4, 2013): Orange County Register, November 3, 2013: A steep decline in West Coast sardine populations prompted regulators on Sunday to approve sharp limits on commercial fishing for the species [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 3. November 2013

Celebrated Physician: Fukushima Has Humanity ‘On Brink Of A Possible Worldwide Nuclear Holocaust’ – ‘The World As We Know It Has Changed’ – ‘Effects On Our Health Are Incomprehensible’

- Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity “on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust” — “The world as we know it has changed” — “Effects on our health are incomprehensible” (ENENews, Nov 1, 2013): Infectious disease specialist Dr. Stephen Hosea, MD in the Santa Barbara Independent, October 31, 2013: Radioactive Fallout from Fukushima — The [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013

TOTAL INSANITY: Pregnant Women Get Free New Houses If They Move Back To Fukushima

- Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 30, 2013) Physician Akira Sugenoya, mayor of the city of Matsumoto interviewed by VoR, Oct. 30, 2013: “Immediately following the [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013

Important Fukushima Radiation Updates, Synopsis (Video): ‘The Pacific Ocean Is History’ – ‘Billions Will Die’

YouTube Added: 23.10.2013 Description: This is very important , you have to know this info , the nuclear experts are screaming . continue reading world news

Montag, 28. Oktober 2013

This May Be The Ocean’s Most Horrifying Monster (And You’ve Probably Never Heard Of It)

A rhizocephala bursting from the abdomen of a crab. Image source: wikipedia. - This may be the ocean’s most horrifying monster (and you’ve probably never heard of it) (Deep Sea News, Oct 25, 2013): When I first learned about rhizocephalan barnacles I lost my appetite. I was taking a parasitology course, and even though I’d developed [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 26. Oktober 2013

Fukushima Readies For Dangerous Operation To Remove 400 Tons Of Spent Fuel – ‘The Worst-Case Scenario Could Play Out In DEATH TO BILLIONS OF PEOPLE. A True APOCALYPSE’

From the article: “The operation to begin removing fuel from such a severely damaged pool has never been attempted before. The rods are unwieldy and very heavy, each one weighing two-thirds of a ton,” fallout researcher Christina Consolo earlier told RT. Should the attempt fail, a mishandled rod could be exposed to air and catch [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013

Melted Fuel Sank Into Ground Under Fukushima Reactors – Irradiated Groundwater Continously Flowing Into Ocean … It’s Too Late To Do Anything About This

- Japan Journalist: Melted nuclear fuel sank into the ground under Fukushima reactors — Irradiated groundwater is flowing into ocean through sea-bottom springs, it’s too late to do anything about this (PHOTO) (ENENews, Oct 22, 2013): Kyunghyang Shinmun (Major daily newspaper in South Korea -Source), Oct. 21, 2013: Japan‘s Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, promoting Tokyo [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2013

China: Smog Emergency Shuts City Of 11 Million People

- China smog emergency shuts city of 11 million people (Reuters, Oct 21, 2013): Choking smog all but shut down one of northeastern China’s largest cities on Monday, forcing schools to suspended classes, snarling traffic and closing the airport, in the country’s first major air pollution crisis of the winter. An index measuring PM2.5, or [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2013

Super Typhoon (190 MPH Winds) Heading For Japan

- Super typhoon on course for Japan — Winds up to 190 mph, could soon be Category 5 storm — “May follow Typhoon Wipha’s path” … “Developed in a similar area” (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 19, 2013): Weather Channel, Oct. 18, 2013 at 9:45p ET: Super Typhoon Francisco Brushes Guam, Could Threaten Japan Next Week [...] [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 18. Oktober 2013

Fukushima Beta-Radiation Levels Soar To New Record In Aftermath Of Typhoon Wipha (400,000 Becquerels Per Liter Detected)

- Fukushima Beta-Radiation Levels Soar To New Record In Aftermath Of Typhoon Wipha (ZeroHedge, Oct 17, 2013): It is only fitting that on the day the Stalingrad & Poorski 500 rises to a new record high, that that other centrally-planned catastrophe, the exploded Fukushima nuclear power plant, in the aftermath of Japan’s Radioactivetyphoonado reports a [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2013

Forecast Shows Fukushima To Get Eye Wall Of Typhoon Wipha

- Forecast shows Fukushima to get eye wall of Typhoon Wipha — Weather Channel Expert: Things may be getting worse at plant; Storm surge to combine with inland flooding at site (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 15, 2013): Wall St. Journal, Oct. 15, 2013 at 7:38p ET: Typhoon Wipha Batters Japan’s East Coast [...] the strongest typhoon [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 14. Oktober 2013

Fukushima Farmer: Plutonium was detected “all over” village 25 miles from plant — Professor: “Something terrible, dreadful happening” — Mayor: Please don’t tell this to the residents (VIDEO)

- Fukushima Farmer: Plutonium was detected “all over” village 25 miles from plant — Professor: “Something terrible, dreadful happening” — Mayor: Please don’t tell this to the residents (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 12, 2013): Kenichi Hasegawa, Farmer from Iitate Village in Fukushima Prefecture, Canberra Forum, March 13, 2013 (At 40:00 in): After the nuclear accident, all [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 12. Oktober 2013

New York Times: Kevin Corrigan: ‘We Have Fukushima Polluting The Entire Pacific Ocean And We’re Talking About How People Should Be Dressed?’

- New York Times: “We have Fukushima polluting the entire Pacific Ocean and we’re talking about how people should be dressed?” -Influential Actor (ENENews, Oct 12, 2013 Title: Want to Meet Influential New Yorkers? Invite Them to Dinner Source: New York Times Author: Jennifer Miller Date: Oct. 9, 2013 Want to Meet Influential New Yorkers? [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013

Historic Blizzard Kills 75,000 Cattle In South Dakota

Rapid City and many other parts of South Dakota recorded record snowfall totals for the entire month of October in just three days over the weekend. - Shutdown worsens historic blizzard that killed tens of thousands of South Dakota cattle (NBC News, Oct 9, 2013): An unusually early and enormous snowstorm over the weekend caught [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2013

‘Alarming’ Mass Die-Off Of Starfish Along Canada’s Pacific Coast – ‘They’ve Disintegrated, Now There’s Just Goo Left’

- “Alarming” mass die-off of starfish in areas along Canada’s Pacific coast — “They’ve disintegrated, now there’s just goo left” — “Appeared to melt” — “Single arms clinging to rock faces, tube feet still moving” — Similar reports as far away as California (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 7, 2013): Canadian Press, Oct. 7, 2013: Vancouver Aquarium [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 7. Oktober 2013

Japan Prof.: ‘I Won’t Eat Any Seafood, I’ve Changed My Entire Diet’ … After Bringing Geiger Counter To Store And Learning About Actual Radiation Levels

YouTube Added: 04.10.2013 - Japan Professor: “I won’t eat any seafood, I’ve changed my entire diet” — Refuses to buy any fisheries product, from any market, anywhere in country after bringing detector to store and learning actual radiation levels (AUDIO) (ENENews, Oct 5, 2013): Title: Linda Moulton Howe Interview Source: Art Bell’s Dark Matter Date: [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 5. Oktober 2013

World Must Act To Stop Fukushima Nuclear Discharge (China Daily)

- World must act to stop Fukushima nuclear discharge (China Daily, Oct 5, 2013): The devastating earthquake in northeastern Japan two years ago caused a nuclear leak at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. In July 2012, Alaskan seals exhibited inexplicable hemorrhage phenomena and signs of immunity deficiency. Scientists suspected the condition had something to do [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2013

Another ‘Radioactive Spill’ At Fukushima: Tons Seeping Into Ground; Tanks Failing; Nitrogen Injection For Preventing Explosions Temporarily Halted

- ‘Radioactive Spill’ at Fukushima: Tons seeping into ground; ‘Widespread structural problems’ indicated with tanks — Nitrogen injection for preventing explosions at reactors temporarily halted (ENENews, Oct 1, 2013): Voice of America, Oct. 1, 2013: Another Radioactive Spill Reported at Fukushima Nuclear Plant [...] The cleanup effort at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant suffered [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013

The IPCC Exposed (The Corbett Report Video)

YouTube Added: 27.09.2013 continue reading world news

Sonntag, 29. September 2013

Feds To Frackers: ‘No, Please – Let Us Help You Find A Place To Dump Your Wastewater’

- Feds to frackers: “No, please — let us help you find a place to dump your wastewater” (Grist, Sep 25, 2013): The Northeast’s fracking boom has left drillers with millions and millions of barrels of wastewater and nowhere to dump it. Some frackers have simply injected into deep wells, causing earthquakes; others have simply allowed their [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 27. September 2013

Nuclear Experts: Fukushima Reactor No. 4 Spent Fuel Pool Shows Signs Of Collapsing

- Nuclear Experts: Fukushima Unit 4 has shown signs of collapsing — Underneath buildings it’s becoming saturated — “Known fractures in soil” — Large structure already went down at plant after ground was super-saturated and had mudslide in March 2011 (PHOTO & VIDEO) (ENENews, Sep 25, 2013): Tepco’s video tour of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 25. September 2013

Radioactive Contamination In Tokyo Suburb 3 Times Higher Than 1 Mile From Fukushima Daiichi

- Study: Contamination in Tokyo suburb 3 times higher than area just 1 mile from Fukushima Daiichi — Nuclear Scientist: Significant contamination in Tokyo, a serious problem (AUDIO) (ENENews, Sep 23, 2013) continue reading world news

Montag, 23. September 2013

Fukushima Forever (Huffington Post)

- Fukushima Forever (Huffington Post, Sep 20, 2013): Recent disclosures of tons of radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima reactors spilling into the ocean are just the latest evidence of the continuing incompetence of the Japanese utility, TEPCO. The announcement that the Japanese government will step in is also not reassuring since it was the [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 22. September 2013

‘Cold Shutdown In Japan’: Steam Rising Out Of Reactor 3 AGAIN, No Explanation Given So Far

- Steam found coming up from the top of reactor3 again / Reason is not verified yet (Fukushima Diary, Sep 20, 2013): Fukushima Diary reported steam was found coming up from the top of reactor3 on 9/17/2013. (cf, [Steam after typhoon] “Steam” observed from the top of reactor3 again / humidity was only 53% [URL]) According [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 20. September 2013

Japan Dismissed US Warnings To Contain Radioactive Water At Fukushima

- Japan dismissed US warnings to contain radioactive water at Fukushima (RT, Sep 19, 2013): Japanese authorities ignored US calls to contain contaminated water at the stricken Fukushima power plant in 2008, officials told media. The revelation comes as the Japanese battle to stem radioactive water leaks flooding into the sea from the facility. Tokyo [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 17. September 2013

Fukushima Radioactive Plume To Hit Shores Of U.S. & Canada For Many Decades – Removal Of Molten Cores Impossible For Hundreds Of Years, If Ever – Escape Of Radiation Virtually Unstoppable

Related article: - Dr. Helen Caldicott For RT: Endless Fukushima Catastrophe: Many Generations’ Health At Stake - UC Berkeley Nuclear Professor: Work to go on for thousands of years at Fukushima site if they can’t retrieve melted fuel (AUDIO) AND then there are … “buckyballs” … - A Radioactive Nightmare … Coming To The U.S. [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 15. September 2013

Suspected Death Toll Rises From Colorado Floods As Nearly 500 Unaccounted For

Videos and pictures here: - Suspected death toll rises from Colorado floods as nearly 500 unaccounted for (CNN, Sep 15, 2013): Boulder, Colorado (CNN) — Rain was still coming down Sunday in Colorado, preventing aerial efforts to search for those missing from a devastating flood, authorities said. “It’s unlikely at this point that we’ll be [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 14. September 2013

Tritium Levels Spike More Than 15 Times At Stricken Fukushima Nuclear Plant

- Tritium levels spike at stricken Fukushima nuclear plant (Reuters, Sep 11, 2013): The operator of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant said levels of tritium – considered one of the least harmful radioactive elements – spiked more than 15 times in groundwater near a leaked tank at the facility over three days this week. Tokyo [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 12. September 2013

They Will Have To maintain Fukushima Ice Wall For Several Hundred Years

- Nuclear Consultant: They will have to maintain Fukushima ice wall for hundreds of years if ever installed (AUDIO) (ENENews, Sep 9, 2013): Title: Japan to spend £300 million on Fukushima ‘ice wall’ containment Source: Voice of Russia – UK Edition Author: Daniel Cinna Date: Sept. 3, 2013 Full broadcast here continue reading world news

Dienstag, 10. September 2013

TEPCO Admits Deliberately Using Radiation Detectors That Give Deceptively Low Readings; Radiation Leaks Far Worse Than Reported

- TEPCO admits deliberately using radiation detectors that give deceptively low readings; radiation leaks far worse than reported (Natural News, Sep 1, 2013): At the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant, radiation isn’t the only thing leaking out. Each week, it seems there’s another small leak of the truth that has been deliberately hidden from the public. [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 8. September 2013

Japan Government To Spend Almost $500 MILLION In Attempt To Contain Fukushima Leaks

H/t reader M.G.: “Guess what? TEPCO going to spend half a billion to clean up the water. Doesn’t say how, if it has been done before, or anything like that……they want the Olympics. Unbelievable that none of the executives of TEPCO have faced any charges for this world disaster……..” Related info: - TEPCO Admits Deliberately [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 6. September 2013

Russia Warns Of Nuclear Disaster If Syria Is Hit (RT)

USS NImitz (AFP Photo / Navy Media Content Services / HO / Raul Moreno) - Russia warns of nuclear disaster if Syria is hit (RT, Sep 5, 2013): A military strike on Syria could lead to a nuclear catastrophe if a missile were to hit a reactor containing radioactive uranium, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 4. September 2013

‘The Greatest Threat Humanity Has Ever Faced’: Fukushima Reactor No. 4 SFP ‘An Immediate Problem’ – Building Is Sinking, Over 30 Inches In Places

From the article: The leakage of water from these cores is bad enough but the most dangerous thing is the cooling pool of unit 4. Now it is terribly dangerous because the entire hot core of reactor 4 had been removed and put in this cooling pool shortly before the tsunami. So, there was a [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 2. September 2013

Fukushima: Radiation Levels Skyrocket, Up Nearly 2,000% – NHK: Quadrillions Of Becquerels Already Released

- Contamination levels skyrocket at Fukushima plant, up nearly 2,000% — NHK: Quadrillions of becquerels already released; “Gov’t needs to take charge entirely” (VIDEO) (ENENews, Aug 31, 2013): Kyodo News, September 1, 2013: Very high radiation levels were observed Saturday at three tanks and one of the pipes connecting them at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 31. August 2013

What Must Be Done To Save Fukushima & The Pacific

FYI. - What Must Be Done To Save Fukushima & The Pacific (Simply Info, Aug 29, 2013) continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 29. August 2013

Fukushima Reaches Desperation Point: Water Filtration Equipment Goes Offline & Leaks Just Won’t Stop And Are Out Of Control, TEPCO Calls For International HELP

- Fukushima in freefall: radioactive water filters taken offline, Tepco in desperation as leaks just won’t stop (Natural News, Aug 27, 2013): After a 29-month cover-up, the Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) is now calling for international help and has all but admitted Fukushima’s radiation leaks are spiraling out of control. In addition to the [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 25. August 2013

Fukushima … ‘It’s The Ultimate, Worst-Case Scenario’

- Nuclear Operator Raises Alarm on Crisis (The New York Times, Aug 23, 2013): … Experts have said they suspect that more contaminated water is seeping out from under the melted-down reactors into the groundwater and the Pacific. Elevated levels of radioactive cesium in surrounding waters seem to confirm those suspicions. Tepco has said those [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 24. August 2013

Japanese Government’s Bizarre Attempt To Brainwash Radiation Victims Exposed

Watch the Japanese propaganda video down below. - Natural News exclusive: Fukushima victim exposes Japanese government’s attempted bizarre brainwashing of radiation victims (Natural News, Aug 21, 2013): The following is a first-person account of the attempt by the Japanese government to brainwash victims of Fukushima radiation poisoning into believing radiation would not harm them if [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 22. August 2013

Prof. Chris Busby For RT: “Worse Than Chernobyl: The Inner Threat Of Fukushima Crisis”

Flashback: - Fukushima Daiichi Site: Cesium-137 Is 200 Times Greater Than At Chernobyl Accident - Worse than Chernobyl: The inner threat of Fukushima crisis (RT, Aug 20, 2013): By Christopher Busby from the European Committee on Radiation Risks for RT I recently pointed out, this operation has to go on forever – a long sickness, [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 20. August 2013

Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Reaching Critical Stage

- Nuclear crisis reaching critical stage (Coast Reporter, Aug 18, 2013): The news coming out of Japan these days is not good. First, the Japanese government confirmed that the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has been leaking an estimated 300 tonnes of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean each day. The leaks have apparently been [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 18. August 2013

Fallout Researcher: Fukushima Worst Case Scenario Could Result In BILLIONS Of DEATHS

From the article: RT: Finally, what is the worst case scenario? What level of contamination are we looking at and how dire would the consequences be for the long-term health of the region? CC: Extremely dire. This is a terrible answer to have to give, but the worst case scenario could play out in death [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 16. August 2013

Texas: The Worst Drought In Two Generations Is Choking Water Supply, Which Is Why Residents Now Turn Against Fracking

- Texan drought sets residents against fracking – video (Guardian, Aug 11, 2013): In Mertzon and Barnhart in western Texas, the worst drought in two generations is choking the water supply. Water shortages are raising tensions between locals and the fracking industry. Drilling for shale gas uses up to 8m gallons of water each time [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 15. August 2013

France Confirms It Will Continue Ban On Monsanto’s GMO Corn, Despite Council Ruling

- France confirms it will continue ban on GMO corn, despite council ruling (Natural News, Aug 09, 2013): It has been confirmed that France will extend its moratorium on the cultivation of Monsanto’s genetically-modified (GM) MON810 corn within its borders, despite a recent ruling by the French Council of State that the longstanding ban violates [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 13. August 2013

Monsanto Can Sue Farmers When GMO Contamination Goes Over 1% Of Their Crop

- Monsanto can sue farmers when GMO contamination goes over one percent of their crop (Activist Post, Aug 10, 2013) continue reading world news

Samstag, 10. August 2013

Government Of India Grants Dolphins Personhood

Flashback: - The Cove – Oscar Award Winner (‘Best Documentary’): The Cove exposes the slaughter of more than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises off the coast of Japan every year, and how their meat, containing toxic levels of mercury, is being sold as food in Japan and other parts of Asia, often labeled as whale meat. [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 8. August 2013

Almost 87% Of The American West Is Experiencing A Devastating Drought

- New Mexico is the driest of the dry (LA Times, Aug 6, 2013) continue reading world news

Dienstag, 6. August 2013

Japan Finally Admits The Truth: ‘Right Now, We Have An Emergency At Fukushima’

- Japan Finally Admits The Truth: “Right Now, We Have An Emergency At Fukushima” (ZeroHedge, Aug 5, 2013): Tepco is struggling to contain the highly radioactive water that is seeping into the ocean near Fukushima. The head of Japan’s NRA, Shinji Kinjo exclaimed, “right now, we have an emergency,” as he noted the contaminated groundwater [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 4. August 2013

U.S. Beef Supply At 21-Year Low: Get Ready To Pay Up

- Beef Supply at 21-Year Low: Get Ready to Pay Up (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Aug 2, 2013): I don’t follow the commodity markets as closely as I used to, but the following article related to beef prices really caught my eye. Last year’s drought and consequent spike in grain prices led to negative margins for cattle [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 2. August 2013

Siberia Heat: Did The Arctic Region Break A Heat Record?

- Siberia Heat: Did The Arctic Region Break A Heat Record? (Huffington Post, July 26, 2013): Did the Arctic region break a heat record? According to English-language outlet The Siberian Times, temperatures of 32 degrees Celsius, or 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit, were recorded in the Siberian city of Norilsk on July 21. The average temperature in [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2013

Cancer Villages In Central China: “We Should Re-Consider The Country’s Industrialization” (Video)

- The Pitfalls Of Politburo Planning: Pollution Produces Cancer (ZeroHedge, July 26, 2013): While the choking pollution in China, that we have discussed time and again – most recently here and here, has previously been linked with health concerns, academic studies released this week have now shown a direct link between higher cancer-rates in Central [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013

Halliburton To Plead Guilty To Destroying Gulf Evidence And To Pay Maximum Fine Of $200,000

$200,000??? FLASHBACK: - US Presidential Panel: Halliburton Knew Cement Mixed For BP Blowout Well Was Unstable - Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: The Halliburton Connection: The company acknowledged Friday that it had completed the final cementing of the oil well and pipe just 20 hours before the blowout last week. And don’t forget this fact [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 27. Juli 2013

Halliburton Admits It Destroyed Gulf Spill Evidence, … Pays 0.0007% Of Revenue Fine

FLASHBACK: - US Presidential Panel: Halliburton Knew Cement Mixed For BP Blowout Well Was Unstable - Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: The Halliburton Connection: The company acknowledged Friday that it had completed the final cementing of the oil well and pipe just 20 hours before the blowout last week. And don’t forget this fact (!!!): [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013

Mutant Fruits And Vegetables Found In Japan (Slideshow)

- Fukushima Fallout? Japan Baffled by the Discovery of MUTANT Fruit (REALfarmacy, July 16, 2013) continue reading world news

Dienstag, 23. Juli 2013

‘COLD SHUTDOWN’ In Japan: Steam Rising AGAIN From Fukushima Reactor

Flashback: - TEPCO’s ‘Cold Shutdown’ Lie And What They ‘Forgot’ To Tell You About Fukushima: “Cold shutdown” means the reactor cores – and the used fuel pools – decrease in temperature through 100 degrees C and continue to go down after a couple of days without additional cooling.  If that doesn’t happen within 48 hours, [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 22. Juli 2013

10 GMO Myths That Monsanto Wants You To Believe

- The 10 GMO Myths That Monsanto Wants You To Believe (Activist Post, July 20, 2013) continue reading world news

Samstag, 20. Juli 2013

Fukushima 2013: All 4 Reactors Are ‘Getting Worse’

- Fukushima 2013: “Remaining Radioactive Mass”, “Dangerous Leaking Radioactive Water”, All Four Reactors are “Getting Worse” (Global Research, July 11, 2013): The first thing to know about the danger from the radioactive mass remaining on site in the three reactors that melted down at Fukushima is that nobody knows how much radioactive material there is, [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2013

Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013

Fukushima: Deadly Radioactive Water Has Been Leaking Into Ocean For Two Years

- Contaminated Water has been Leaking into Ocean for Two Years at Fukushima (Oil Price, July 14, 2013): Shunichi Tanaka, the head of the Nuclear Regulation Authority in Japan, and the country’s chief nuclear regulator announced on Wednesday, that the nuclear power plant at Fukushima, has been leaking contaminated water into the ocean for the [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 14. Juli 2013

Canada: Bees Dying By The Millions

One of many dead hives at Schuit’s Saugeen Honey, in Elmwood. - Bees Dying by the Millions (The Post, June 19, 2013): ThePost (Hanover, Ontario) By Jon Radojkovic ELMWOOD - Local beekeepers are finding millions of their bees dead just after corn was planted here in the last few weeks. Dave Schuit, who has a honey operation [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 13. Juli 2013

Japan’s Deadly Radioactive Black Dust – Fairewinds Interview With Scientist Marco Kaltofen (Video & Transcript)

- Japan’s Black Dust, with Marco Kaltofen (Fairewinds, July 10, 2013): About This Podcast This week Fairewinds Energy Education interviewed Marco Kaltofen, a leading scientist who studies radiation as well as specific radioactive isotopes. Marco and Arnie discuss a recent sample that contained highly concentrated radioactive material from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013

Canada: Toronto Underwater – Severe Thunderstorms Cause Flooding, Blackouts, Havoc On Roads

Update: More photos here: - Toronto flood photos show parts of city underwater (CTV News, July 9, 2013) Videos and photos here: - Severe thunderstorms cause flooding, blackouts, havoc on roads around GTA (Toronto Star, July 9, 2013): Severe thunderstorms that have caused flooding and power outages around the city Monday will likely exceed 100 [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013

A Total Nightmare: 900 MILLION Bq/m3 In Fukushima Daiichi Groundwater

- [Nightmare] 900,000,000 Bq/m3 of all ? detected from groundwater on the east side of reactor2 (Fukushima Diary, July 5,  2013): Having measured the significantly high level of Tritium from groundwater on the east side of reactor2, Tepco made additonal borings and is investigating furthermore. On 7/3/2013, Fukushima Diary reported they detected 4,300,000 Bq/m3 of [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 7. Juli 2013

Japan Shuns US GMO Contaminated Wheat

- Japan shuns US GM-contaminated wheat variety (GM Watch, July 6, 2013): 1. Japan to import 750 tonnes of wheat as alternative to shunned U.S. grade 2. Japan says finds no GMO in tests of some U.S. white wheat NOTE: The remarkable ability of GMOs to negatively impact and destroy markets even when the GMO [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 5. Juli 2013

Millions Of Krill Wash Up On Oregon, California Beaches And ‘Scientists Are Not Sure Why’

From the article: “Scientists are not sure why.” … “For some reason, people did not see gulls and other sea birds eating them, he added.” Maybe that ‘helps’: Fukushima radiation See also: - Red Alert: Shocking Plane Radiation On Flight From Chile To The U.S. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming … - [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013

Tennessee: Complaining About Water Quality = Terrorism

- In Tennessee Complaining About Water Quality = Terrorism (Liberty Blitzkrieg, July 2, 2013): This is a little over a week old, but I hadn’t seen it and it’s so bothersome that everyone needs to be made aware.  One of my major themes this year has been the sudden outburst of cases in which mostly [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 1. Juli 2013

Record-Setting Southwest Heat Wave Turns Fatal

- Record-setting Southwest heat wave turns fatal (CNN, June 30, 2013): A series of cities are in the grip of soaring temperatures this weekend. From Phoenix, to Las Vegas, to Death Valley in California, which set a world-record high a century ago.Death Valley was the hottest spot Saturday, reaching 127 degrees, and Arizona and Nevada [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 29. Juni 2013

NASA: CO2 Is A Global Coolant And Massively Cools The Earth

Global warming is a scam. (Links are down below.) Real scientists predict a GLOBAL COOLING period (from 50 to up to 250 years). Flashback: The elitists know that the world is cooling and here is the Bilderberg group’s discussion agenda from 2010: - Global Cooling and the New World Order (Telegraph): “The 58th Bilderberg Meeting [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013

Hanford Nuclear Waste: Worst Tank May Be Leaking Into Soil

- Worst Hanford tank may be leaking into soil (Krem, June 21, 2013): The first ever double-shell tank to have leaked at Hanford may be in far worse condition than anyone imagined. Hanford workers conducting routine maintenance on the tank Thursday were shocked to find readings of radioactivity from material outside the tank. Until now [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2013

India: Flash Floods And Landslides Kill At Least 1,000 People As Thousands More Await Rescue

Soldiers tried to repair a footbridge over the Alaknanda River in mountainous Uttarakhand State during resue work on Saturday. - Flood Toll Reaches 1,000 in India as Thousands More Await Rescue (New York Times, June 22, 2013): NEW DELHI — Flash floods and landslides in northern India have killed at least 1,000 people in the [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 23. Juni 2013

Japan Finds Highly Toxic Strontium In Fukushima Groundwater (Reuters)

- Japan finds highly toxic strontium in Fukushima groundwater (Reuters, June 19, 2013): TOKYO (Reuters) – High levels of a toxic substance called strontium-90 have been found in groundwater at the devastated Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, the utility that runs the facility said on Wednesday. Strontium-90 is a by-product of the fission of [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 21. Juni 2013

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda (Veterans Today)

- The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda (Veterans Today, June 17, 2013): by Dean HendersonWhile the global elite construct underground bunkers, eat organic and hoard seeds in Arctic vaults; the global poor are being slowly starved thanks to high commodity prices and poisoned with genetically modified (GMO) food. Austerity measures aimed largely at the poor are being [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2013

AND NOW: Pesticide Industry To Receive Pollution Privileges In Farm Bill H.R. 1947

- Exposed: Pesticide Industry to Receive Pollution Privileges in Farm Bill H.R. 1947 (REALfarmacy, June 14, 2013): One need only do a quick search on the website to see the reality that is special interest influence over lawmakers. The literal millions of dollars given to lawmakers should shed light on the fact that Washington D.C. [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013

GMO And Monsanto Roundup: Glyphosate Weedkiller In Our Food and Water?

More important information on Monsanto’s Roundup down below. - GMO and Monsanto Roundup: Glyphosate Weedkiller in our Food and Water? (Global Research, June 16, 2013): “Historians may look back and write about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations with a massive experiment that is based on false promises and flawed science [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 16. Juni 2013

Hanford Nuclear Waste: Leak In Massive Double-Shell Tank Growing Significantly

Related info: - Hanford Nuclear Waste Cleanup May Be Too Dangerous, Future Of Storage Plant Uncertain - Suddenly No Solution For 56 Million Gallons Of Highly Radioactive Toxic Waste Leaking Into The Ground - Hanford Nuclear Waste: New Proposed Storage Site Prompts New Criticism - WA: Hanford Nuclear Tank Is Leaking Liquids - Radioactive Waste [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

Flood Misery In Germany As Elbe Breaches Defenses – Fitch: Total Damage Cost Could Be About €12 BILLION

- German flood damage insurance claims may reach €3bn (The Guardian, June 11, 2013): As water levels on the Elbe river appear to be stabilising, Fitch warns total cost of damage could be about €12bn - Flood misery as surging Elbe breaches defenses in Germany (CNN, June 11, 2013): Soldiers dropped huge sandbags from army [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013

Deadly El Reno, Oklahoma Tornado Was WIDEST EVER Measured On Earth, Had Nearly 300 Mph Winds

Related info: - Weather Modification: Oklahoma City, Massive Tornado Damage – RADAR Pulse – ‘HAARP Ring – Scalar Square Confirmation (Video) - Deadly El Reno, Okla. tornado was widest ever measured on Earth, had nearly 300 mph winds (Washington Post, June 4, 2013): The tornado that killed 18 people, including 4 storm chasers, west of [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 10. Juni 2013

China Grows Its Rice On Land Contaminated With Industrial Waste

Related info: - The Chinese To Buy America’s Pork: Shuanghui Group Agreed To Acquire Smithfield Foods For About $4.7 BILLION - Imported Food From China Not Even Good Enough For Dog Food, Loaded With Chemicals, Dyes, Pesticides And Fake Ingredients - In China, Breathing Becomes A Childhood Risk (New York Times) - China Pulls 1,000 [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 8. Juni 2013

‘The Real Threat: Acid Jobs’

- Insight: California environmentalists fear frack fight a distraction (Reuters, May 28, 2013): As California sets the ground rules for drilling in the Monterey oil formation, a hard-to-reach shale reserve that is the largest in the United States, some environmentalists worry that politicians, regulators and fellow activists are fighting the wrong battle. The state regulator [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013

AND NOW: TEPCO Wants To Store Radioactive Water In Aquifer

- Tepco considers using aquifer in great deep for contaminated water storage (Fukushima Diary, June 3, 2013): On 5/30/2013, the committee of experts suggested Tepco an idea of using the aquifer of great deep for increasing contaminated water storage. 400 tones of ground water flows into the plant on the daily basis. Having contaminated water [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 2. Juni 2013

Breaking News: USDA Finds Illegal Monsanto GMO Wheat In Oregon Field (Video)

YouTube Added: 29.05.2013 - Breaking: USDA Finds Illegal Monsanto GMO Wheat in Oregon Field (GreenMedTV, May 29, 2013) The video above is the USDA’s official confirmation that illegal and unapproved Monsanto wheat is growing freely in Oregon. Consider that only recently scientists held a press conference on the potential threat of GMO Wheat to “silence [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 31. Mai 2013

GMO Pollution Alert: Genetically Engineered Wheat Escapes Experimental Fields Planted Across 16 States

- GMO genetic pollution alert: Genetically engineered wheat escapes experimental fields planted across 16 states (Natural News, May 30, 2013): The genetic apocalypse we’ve been warning about for years may have already begun. The USDA just announced they found a significant amount of genetically engineered wheat growing in farm fields in Oregon. As the USDA [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013

Southern California Wildfire Burns 1,000 Acres; Thousands Flee

- Southern California fire burns 1,000 acres; thousands flee (CNN, May 28, 2103): Crews in Southern California struggled to get the upper hand on a fast-moving wildfire in Santa Barbara County early Tuesday. Known as the White Fire, the blaze had already charred some 1,000 acres after getting its start Monday afternoon, U.S. Forest Service [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 27. Mai 2013

Alaska Continues Its Record Breaking, Long & Snowy Winter

In other news: - April 2013 Alaska Weather Summary: Precipitation, temperature and snowfall records set in April (SitNews, May 23, 2013) - Alaska Continues Its Record Long, Snowy Winter (Heartlander Magazine, May 20, 2013): Anchorage, Alaska set a record last week for its longest snow season on record. The city also set a record for [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 25. Mai 2013

The Colorado River, The High Plains Aquifer And The Entire Western Half Of The U.S. Are Rapidly Drying Up

- The Colorado River, The High Plains Aquifer And The Entire Western Half Of The U.S. Are Rapidly Drying Up (Economic Collapse, May 23, 2013): What is life going to look like as our precious water resources become increasingly strained and the western half of the United States becomes bone dry?  Scientists tell us that [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013

Weather Modification: Oklahoma City, Massive Tornado Damage – RADAR Pulse – ‘HAARP Ring – Scalar Square Confirmation (Video)

- 5/20/2013 — Oklahoma City, Massive tornado damage — RADAR pulse / “HAARP ring” / Scalar Square confirmation (Dutchsinse, May 20, 2013) Another website on weather modification:   continue reading world news

Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013

Total Destruction: Two-Mile-Wide Tornado Slams Oklahoma City Area (CNN – KFOR Video)

- Two-mile-wide tornado slams Oklahoma City area (CNN, May 20, 2013): Shawnee, Oklahoma (CNN) — A powerful tornado blasted an area outside of Oklahoma City on Monday, ripping roofs off buildings, leveling homes and leaving a massive band of destruction in its wake. In the desperate seconds and minutes after the storm passed, the human [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013

Radioactive Leak At Palisades Nuclear Power Plant Spills Radioactive Water Into Lake Michigan

Related info: - US May Face Inevitable Nuclear Power Exit ( - Plastic Bags, Tape, Broomsticks Fix San Onofre Nuclear Plant Leak (ABC 10News – Video, Photo) - Radioactive leak found at Palisades Nuclear Power Plant (RT, May 17, 2013): Investigators have discovered a half-inch long crack around a nozzle on one of the tanks [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 17. Mai 2013

It’s The Middle Of May! Britain Hit By Two Inches Of SNOW, One Month’s Rainfall In 24 Hrs And 65 mph Winds

- ?It’s the middle of May! Two inches of snow, one month’s rainfall in a day and 65mph winds hit Britain (Daily Mail, May 15, 2013): Up to 2in snow reported in Princetown, Devon, and Rhayader, Powys And 3in snow fell on high ground in Shropshire near Welsh border Month’s rain in 24 hours to [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2013

Total Insanity: US Approves Bee Death Pesticide As EU Bans It

What could possibly go wrong? POLLINATION IN CHINA: - Insanity: US Approves Bee Death Pesticide as EU Bans It (Natural Society, May 12, 2013): Corporate politics is business as usual inside the United States, as I am once again shocked to report the EPA has sided with industry lobbyists over public health in approving a [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013

Hanford Nuclear Waste Cleanup May Be Too Dangerous, Future Of Storage Plant Uncertain

Related info: - Suddenly No Solution For 56 Million Gallons Of Highly Radioactive Toxic Waste Leaking Into The Ground - Hanford Nuclear Waste: New Proposed Storage Site Prompts New Criticism - WA: Hanford Nuclear Tank Is Leaking Liquids - Radioactive Waste Is Leaking From Washington’s Hanford Nuclear Reservation - Hanford Nuclear Cleanup May Be Too [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 10. Mai 2013

A Terrible Silent Tragedy Is Happening In Fukushima!

Don’t miss: - A terrible silent tragedy is happening in Fukushima! The lone horseman of Itate speaks out! (Nuclear News, May 7, 2013) continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2013

Deadly: Corexit, Oil Dispersant Used By BP In Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill, Is Destroying Marine Life, Say Scientists

Flashback: - BP Oil Spill: NASA Report Confirms Toxic Dispersants DID Rain Down On Gulf Coast - Gulf: 6 Dangerous Chemicals Found In Blood Tests By 3 Separate Labs (Video) - Louisiana Senator Blasts President Obama About COREXIT Poisoning of the Gulf - The Perfect Genetic Storm: Synthetic DNA and the Gulf Blue Plague (And [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 6. Mai 2013

Tokyo Hit By Highest Fallout Levels Since May 2011

- Highest fallout levels in Tokyo since soon after Fukushima crisis began (ENENews, April 27, 2013) continue reading world news

Samstag, 4. Mai 2013

Weather Radicalization Worsening, Global Food Supply At Increased Risk Of Regional Failures

- Weather radicalization worsening, global food supply at increased risk of regional failures (Natural News, May 3, 2013): If you live in the USA, you’re probably experiencing some of the effects of a cold weather front and multi-state blizzard that’s sweeping across much of North America. While the weather felt like summer just a few [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013

Bee Deaths: EU To Ban Neonicotinoid Pesticides (BBC News)

Honeybees are vital for pollinating crops - Bee Deaths: EU To Ban Neonicotinoid Pesticides (BBC News, April 29, 2013): The European Commission will restrict the use of pesticides linked to bee deaths by researchers, despite a split among EU states on the issue. There is great concern across Europe about the collapse of bee populations. [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 30. April 2013

Asian Tea, Seaweed, Fish Oil, Kelp & Chlorella Supplements Radioactive And/Or Contaminated With Heavy Metals?

- Are tea, seaweed, fish oil, kelp & chlorella supplements grown in Asia….which most are, radioative and contaminated with heavy metals? (Investment Watch, April 28, 2013) continue reading world news

Sonntag, 28. April 2013

TEPCO To Dump More Highly Radioactive Water Into Pacific Ocean

- Tepco is about to discharge pumped ground water to sea, “They won’t remove 21,000 Bq/m3 of Tritium” (Fukushima Diary, April 26, 2013) continue reading world news

Freitag, 26. April 2013

12 Feet And Rising: Record Flooding Threatens Midwest (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

- 12 feet and rising: Record flooding threatens Midwest (PHOTOS, VIDEO) (RT, April 20, 2013) continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 24. April 2013

RED ALERT: EU Wants To Regulate Cultivation Of ALL Fruits And Vegetables (Even In Private Gardens)

Original article in German down below. Google translation: - EU wants to regulate cultivation of fruit and vegetables in gardens (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, April 23, 2013): The European Commission wants to impose on farmers and gardeners in the future the use of standard seeds. Old and rare varieties have little chance of an approval, their [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 22. April 2013

Obama Approves EPA’s Higher ‘SAFE’ Radiation Exposure Levels For U.S. Population

- Obama Approves EPA’s Higher Radiation Exposure Levels for U.S. Population (Activist Post, April 18, 2013): According to a statement by PEER (Public Employees For Environmental Responsibility) published on the organization’s website on April 8, 2013, Barack Obama has given final approval for the EPA’s attempt to raise radiation levels in soil and water following [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 20. April 2013

China’s Animal Apocalypse Spreads To DOGS

- China’s Animal Apocalypse Spreads To Dogs (ZeroHedge, April 17, 2013): First it was floating dead pigs, then ducks, then black swans, then mass chicken exterminations, then fish, and now more pigs and also a brand new entrant to the Chinese animal apocalypse: dogs. AP reports that hundreds more pigs have been found dead in [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

New Radioactive Leak Found At Fukushima After ‘Ratzilla’ Causes Second Cooling System Failure

- New Radioactive Leak Found At Fukushima After Rat Causes Second Cooling System Failure (ZeroHedge, April 7, 2013): The Fukushima farce continues: a month after a rat (no really) caused the cooling system at the exploded Japanese nuclear power plant to fail, history repeats itself, leading to the second cooling failure in a month. As [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 16. April 2013

Major 7.8 Earthquake Strikes Iran, ‘Hundreds Of Deaths’ Expected

- Major 7.8 Earthquake Strikes Iran Leaves “Hundreds Dead”; Follows 6.1 Quake From Week Ago (ZeroHedge, April 16, 2013): It was only a week ago that Iran was shaken by a major 6.1 earthquake, striking just 100 km away from the Busher nuclear power plant: a location so “opportune” some, so inclined, saw in this [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 15. April 2013

28,500 Containers Of Radioactive Waste, Containing 58 TRILLION Becquerels, Dumped Into English Channel

An intact barrel of radioactive waste found just kilometers off the French coastline by SWR. - Radiating Remnants: Nuclear Waste Barrels Litter English Channel (Der Spiegel, April 12, 2013): German journalists have discovered barrels of radioactive waste on the floor of the English Channel, just a handful of thousands dumped there decades ago. It was [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 13. April 2013

(Not Only) US Rice Imports Contain Very High Levels Of Lead, Some Samples Exceed PTTI By A Factor Of 120

From the article: FDA spokesman Noah Bartolucci told BBC News that the “FDA plans to review the new research on lead levels in imported rice released today”. “As part of an ongoing and proactive effort to monitor and address contaminants in food traded internationally, FDA chairs an international working group to review current international standards [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 11. April 2013

Deadly Levels Of Radiation Found In Food 225 Miles From Fukushima (Media Blackout On Nuclear Fallout Continues)

- Deadly levels of radiation found in food 225 miles from Fukushima: Media blackout on nuclear fallout continues (Natural News, April 8, 2013): New data released by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) shows once again that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is far from over. Despite a complete media blackout on the [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 9. April 2013

Shanghai Animal Apocalypse Accelerates: Pigs, Ducks, Black Swans, Chickens AND NOW FISH

- Pigs, Ducks, Black Swans, Chickens And Now Fish: The Shanghai Animal Apocalypse Accelerates (ZeroHedge, April 8, 2013): Shanghai just can’t catch a break – first it was floating dead pigs, then ducks, then black swans, then mass chicken exterminations, and now fish. From the Telegraph: ” Just weeks after over 16,000 putrefying pigs were [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 7. April 2013

TEPCO: Fukushima Reservoir Tank Leaked Up To 120 Tons Of Contaminated Water Into Soil

- Fukushima reservoir tank may have leaked contaminated water (Kyodo News, April 6, 2013): Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Friday that up to 120 tons of contaminated water may have leaked into soil from one of the seven underground reservoir tanks at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Around 13,000 cubic meters of contaminated [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 5. April 2013

The Monsanto Protection Act (Video & Transcript)

- The Monsanto Protection Act? A Debate on Controversial New Measure Over Genetically Modified Crops (Democracy Now, April 2, 2013): President Obama outraged food activists last week when he signed into law a spending bill with a controversial rider that critics have dubbed the “Monsanto Protection Act.” The rider says the government must allow the [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 3. April 2013

First Two-Headed Bull Shark Found Off Florida Keys (CNN Video)

Source: CNN Added On March 26, 2013 A fisherman discovers a two-headed bull shark. CNN’s Brooke Baldwin has more. continue reading world news

Dienstag, 2. April 2013

Major oil spill in U.S. after pipeline bursts — 40 miles from Arkansas nuclear plant at ‘emergency Level 4’ — “Like a river” of crude — Nearly 500,000 gallons spilled (VIDEO)

- Major oil spill in U.S. after pipeline bursts — 40 miles from Arkansas nuclear plant at ‘emergency Level 4’ — “Like a river” of crude — Nearly 500,000 gallons spilled (VIDEO) (ENENews, April 1, 2013) continue reading world news

Sonntag, 31. März 2013

State Ban On UN Agenda 21 Clears Arizona Senate

- State Ban on UN Agenda 21 Clears Arizona Senate (The New American, March 27, 2013): Under immense pressure from grassroots activists across the political spectrum, lawmakers in the Arizona Senate approved legislation last week that would ban the controversial United Nations “sustainable development” scheme known as UN Agenda 21 within the state. The measure [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 30. März 2013

‘Monsanto Protection Act’ Written By Monsanto-Sponsored Senator

Related info: - Outrageous Betrayal Of All Americans: President Obama Signs ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ Into Law: “In an outrageous betrayal of all Americans, President Obama just signed the so-called “Monsanto Protection Act” into law. This law gives Monsanto authority over federal courts and allows it to plant experimental GMO crops even if they pose an [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

Outrageous Betrayal Of All Americans: President Obama Signs ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ Into Law

“In an outrageous betrayal of all Americans, President Obama just signed the so-called “Monsanto Protection Act” into law. This law gives Monsanto authority over federal courts and allows it to plant experimental GMO crops even if they pose an extreme risk to human health and environmental health.” - Mike Adams (Natural News) - Obama betrays [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 26. März 2013

China Pulls 1,000 Dead DUCKS From Sichuan River

The news comes amid concerns over the 16,000 dead pigs found in Shanghai’s Huangpu river - China pulls 1,000 dead ducks from Sichuan river (BBC News, March 25, 2013): Around 1,000 dead ducks have been pulled from a river in southwest China, local officials say. Residents found the dead ducks in Nanhe river in Pengshan [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 24. März 2013

In China Soil Pollution Data Is Now A ‘STATE SECRET’

- In China, public anger over secrecy on environment (Reuters, March 10, 2013): When China’s environment ministry told attorney Dong Zhengwei he couldn’t have access to two-year old data about soil pollution because it was a “state secret”, it added to mounting public outrage over the worsening environment. Microbloggers, state media and even delegates to [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 22. März 2013

Fukushima Spews More Radiation … Due To Tepco’s Carelessness

- Fukushima Spews More Radiation … Due to Tepco’s Carelessness (ZeroHedge, March 21, 2013) continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 20. März 2013

China ‘Hogwash’ Update: Latest Number Of Floating Pigs In Shanghai River: 5,916 And Rising Fast

- Hogwash Update – Latest Number Of Floating Chinese Pigs: 5,916 And Rising Fast (ZeroHedge, March 12, 2013): First it was 900, then 1200, then 3000, and now the latest tally of dead pigs floating in the Shanghai water supply has hit nearly 6000. AP has the latest number: ” The number of dead pigs [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 18. März 2013

The Hard Proof That Global Warming Is A Scam

- ?The Great Green Con no. 1: The hard proof that finally shows global warming forecasts that are costing you billions were WRONG all along (Daily Mail, March 16, 2013): No, the world ISN’T getting warmer (as you may have noticed). Now we reveal the official data that’s making scientists suddenly change their minds about [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 16. März 2013

Living Alone Inside The Fukushima Dead Zone (Video)

Added:10.03.2013 Description: ???????????????????Surviving solo in the Fukushima evacuation zone. For English subtitles, click “CC” button at the bottom of the video player. … VICEjpch: As well as English,? subtitles are also available from the captions menu at the bottom of the video in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 14. März 2013

Study: Up To 47 Quadrillion Becquerels Of Cesium-137 Released Into The Pacific Ocean From Fukushima

- Study: Up to 47 quadrillion becquerels of cesium-137 released into Pacific from Fukushima — Nearly 50 times original Tepco estimate (ENENews, March 12, 2013): Title: Does the Fukushima NPP disaster affect the caesium activity of North Atlantic Ocean fish? Source: Biogeosciences Discussions Authors: G. Kanisch and M.-O. Aust; Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Hamburg, [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 12. März 2013

Fukushima: ’31 Million Tons Of Nuclear Waste Or More’

- Japan’s cleanup lags from tsunami, nuke accident (AP, March 10, 2013): NARAHA, Japan (AP) — Two years after the triple calamities of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster ravaged Japan’s northeastern Pacific coast, debris containing asbestos, lead, PCBs — and perhaps most worrying — radioactive waste due to the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant looms [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 10. März 2013

Hanford Nuclear Waste: New Proposed Storage Site Prompts New Criticism

- Hanford nuclear waste: Proposed storage site prompts new criticism (CBS News, March 7, 2013): The government may have an answer to the growing nuclear waste problem in Washington State. But now, that solution may be creating problems of its own.The Hanford Nuclear Reservation is the nation’s largest and most contaminated waste site. Barrels that [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 8. März 2013

Iraq’s Depleted Uranium Clean-Up To Cost $30 Million As Contamination Spreads

Clean-up? How do you want to clean this mess up?: - Prof. Chris Busby On RT: US Depleted Uranium Ammo Behind Iraq Birth Defects Spike (Video) - War Crimes Exposed: Nukes Used By US Troops At Fallujah (Veterans Today) - MUST-SEE: Former Head Of Pentagon’s Depleted Uranium Project Dr. Doug Rokke On Depleted Uranium (Video) [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 6. März 2013

High Concentration Of Radioactive Cesium Found In Land Animals 40 Km From Fukushima Nuke Plant

- High concentration of radioactive cesium found in land animals (Kyodo News, March 2, 2013): A high concentration of radioactive cesium has been found in a range of land animals and insects in areas around the site of the Fukushima nuclear plant accident, providing a clue to a mechanism of radioactivity accumulation in the food [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 4. März 2013

Hundreds March Against GMOs In Hawaii

- Hundreds march against GMOs in Hawaii (KITV, Mar 3, 2013): HALEIWA, Hawaii —The march against genetically modified foods in Hawaii drew hundreds and shut down one lane of a highway on Saturday. Protesters who gathered together came armed with signs, some with messages that said, ‘stop planting seeds of destruction.’ They are fighting for [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 2. März 2013

Canada’s Land Of Milk And Strontium 90

- Canada’s Land Of Milk And Strontium 90 (EnviroReporter, Feb 28, 2013) continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

Winter Storm Dumps As Much As 22 Inches Of Snow In Oklahoma, State Of Emergency Declared

- Winter Storm Dumps As Much As 22 Inches Of Snow In Oklahoma (News 9, Oklahoma, Feb 26, 2013): OKLAHOMA CITY – A significant winter storm has brought as much as 22 inches of snow to parts of Oklahoma on Monday, according to the News 9 Weather Team.At the request of Gov. Mary Fallin, Monday [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2013

Radioactive Waste Is Leaking From Washington’s Hanford Nuclear Reservation

- Radioactive Waste Is Leaking From Washington’s Hanford Nuclear Reservation (ZeroHedge, Feb 22, 2013): And now for a quick lesson in government spending: in the 1940s the federal government created the now mostly decommissioned Washington’s Hanford Nuclear Reservation as part of the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb. During the Cold War, the project [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 25. Februar 2013

China Admits Pollution Has Caused ‘Cancer Villages’

Related news: - China admits to existence of ‘cancer villages’ sprouting up due to extreme pollution, chemical exposure - ‘Organic’ from China exposed: The shocking truth about ‘organic’ foods grown in the world’s worst environmental cesspool - China admits pollution has caused ‘cancer villages’ (Telegraph, Feb 22, 2013): The Chinese government has admitted for the [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 22. Februar 2013

U.S. Farmers May Stop Planting GMOs After Horrific Crop Yields

- U.S. farmers may stop planting GMOs after horrific crop yields (Natural News, Feb 19, 2013): Some farmers across the United States may stop planting genetically modified crops after poor yields are increasing costs beyond what they can absorb. According to Farmers Weekly, those farmers are considering returning to conventional seed after increased pest resistance [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013

Italy: Mount Etna’s Dramatic 2013 Eruption (Video)

YouTube Added: 19.02.2013 - Mount Etna’s Dramatic New Eruption: Video (LiveScience, Feb 19, 2013): Italy’s Mount Etna sent lava and gas shooting toward the stars early this morning (Feb. 19), the first big eruption for the volcano in 2013. The famous Sicilian volcano burst to life overnight, sending a fountain of fire into the air. [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 19. Februar 2013

Mexican Small Farmers Stand Against Monsanto’s GM Corn Conquest

- Mexican small farmers stand against Monsanto’s GM corn conquest (Voxxi, Feb 18, 2013) continue reading world news

Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013

Meteorite Hits Russian Urals: Fireball Explosion Wreaks Havoc, Over 900 Injured (Video)

YouTube - Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, over 900 injured (PHOTOS, VIDEO) (RT, Feb 14, 2013): Russia’s Urals region has been rocked by a meteorite explosion in the stratosphere. The impact wave damaged several buildings, and blew out thousands of windows amid frigid winter weather. Hundreds have sought medical attention for minor [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 15. Februar 2013

Japanese Journalists Expose Fukushima Radiation Coverup (Video)

YouTube Added: 13.02.2013 Description: On December 20, 2012, a multi-professional symposium was held in Tokyo. The specialty of the speakers ranged from freelance journalist, politician to comedian. The symposium was organised by Free Press Association of Japan, a non-profit organisation. Free Press Association of Japan World Network for Saving Children from Radiation… The [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013

Radioactive Cedar Pollen At 90,500 Bq/Kg

Flashback: - Japan Under Attack By Radioactive Pollen - Prof. Kazuyuki Kita (Jan. 2012): Radioactive Pollen May Increase Radiation To April 2011 Levels - Actual Fukushima Worker Warns To Get Out Of Japan Before Spring Comes -  90,500 Bq/Kg of cesium from the pollen of Japanese cedar in Fukushima (Fukushima Diary, Feb 12, 2013): On [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013

Debunking The GMO Talking Points With Ease

- Debunking the GMO Talking Points with Ease (Farm Wars, Feb 6, 2013): #1 GMOs are needed to feed the world. This is always a future based “goal” never to be obtained any time soon. GMOs have been on the market since 1996. When are they going to feed the world? The answer is never [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013

Blizzard ‘Nemo’ Leaves 600,000 Without Power, Disrupts Thousands of Flights And Kills At Least One Person

- Blizzard kills one, leaves thousands without power (Reuters, Feb 9, 2013): A blizzard packing hurricane-force winds pummeled the northeastern United States on Saturday, killing at least one person, leaving about 600,000 customers without power and disrupting thousands of flights. Blizzard warnings were in effect for the northeastern coast, including the New York metropolitan area, [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 8. Februar 2013

WTF: It Will Take 60 Years To Decontaminate And Dismantle Closing Florida Nuclear Plant!

- AP: Florida nuclear plant will permanently close — 60 years to decontaminate and dismantle (ENENews, Feb 5, 2013): Title: Duke Energy to close Crystal River nuclear plant Author: Associated Press Date: February 5, 2013 at 12:38 p.m. The largest U.S. electricity company said Tuesday it will permanently close a Florida nuclear power plant after [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013

Australian Politician Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome (Video)

MUST-SEE!!! YouTube Added: 03.02.2013 Related info: - Agenda 21 Is Being Rammed Down The Throats Of Local Communities All Over America - New Hampshire Lawmaker Battles AGENDA 21 - AGENDA 21 For BEGINNERS (Video) - Agenda 21: How Will It Affect You? (Video) - Media Panic to Control Exposure of Agenda 21 Takeover - Agenda [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013

Fukushima Student: ‘From My Research, The Safety Exposure Limit Is Supposed To Be 1mSv/yr But If You Live There, It Reaches 60mSv/yr’

- [Express] Elementary school girl “The integral dose of Fukushima reaches 60mSv/y. I think it’s just over..” (Fukushima Diary, Feb 3, 2013): Introducing important tweets as [Express] for simultaneous updates. <Translate> In today’s NHK special about Fukushima, there was a scene like this.. an elementary school girl said, “From my research, the safety exposure limit [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013

With No Way To Process It, US Will Bury 70,000 Tons Of Nuclear Waste

- With no way to process it, US will bury 70,000 tons of nuclear waste (RT, Feb 1, 2013): With two decades to go before it can reprocess spent nuclear fuel, the US will have to bury nearly 70,000 tons of it, a research lab reports. It comes after Congress and the Obama administration defunded [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 1. Februar 2013

Storm Covers Australian Beaches In Foam (CNN Video)

- Storm Covers Australian Beaches In Foam (CNN, Jan 29, 2013) continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013

TEPCO To Kill All Fish In Fukushima Nuclear Plant Port

See also: - Meet Mike, The Most Radioactive Fish Ever From Fukushima - Record High Radiation Found In Fukushima Fish – 254,000 Bq/Kg Or 2,540 Times The Legal Limit - Tepco to exterminate fish in Fukushima plant port (Fukushima Diary, Jan 27, 2013): From this March, Tepco is going to build the fence to close [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 28. Januar 2013

Nuclear Power Plant Causes Freak Snow Storm In Pittsburgh

- The MAN-MADE blizzard: Nuclear power plant causes freak snow storm in Pittsburgh (Daily mail, Jan 24, 2013): Pittsburgh was coated in a layer of snow last night – but not from Mother Nature. A nuclear power plant was responsible for the incredible swath of snowfall from clear skies, as warm, moist air from the [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 26. Januar 2013

EXTREMELY Radioactive Snow In Fukushima (Video)

YouTube Added: 18.01.2013 continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013

Farmers Land Stolen For GM Food Production

- Farmers Land Stolen for GM Food Production (Activist Post, Jan 22, 2013): Barb’s note: Recently, a ban on GMOs in Poland has been applauded as a step in the right direction. However, a little bit of digging uncovers the real agenda. This is not a real ban, but a deceptive act that actually opens [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 21. Januar 2013

Arkansas: Radioactive Sleet & Snow Above 100 CPM … But No Warnings (Video)

YouTube Added: 17.01.2013 Description: The sleet and snow that fell on January 15 2013 in White County Arkansas was not normal. Background levels in this area are 35cpm. The sleet and snow was showing an alert level above 100cpm. The high levels only lasted about 24 hours indicating a short half life of the hot [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 20. Januar 2013

Record High Radiation Found In Fukushima Fish – 254,000 Bq/Kg Or 2,540 Times The Legal Limit

- Record high radiation found in Fukushima fish: TEPCO (AFP, jan 18, 2013): TOKYO: A fish contaminated with radiation levels more than 2,500 times the legal limit has been caught near Japan’s crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, its operator said on Friday. Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) said caesium equivalent to 254,000 becquerels per kilogramme [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 18. Januar 2013

TEPCO Official: ‘We Are Stil Seeing Leakage’ – Contaminated Groundwater Seeping Into Reactor Areas

- Tepco Official in US: “We are still seeing leakage” — Contaminated groundwater seeping into reactor areas (ENENews, Jan 15, 2013): Title: Fukushima recovery aided by SRS cleanup technology Source: The Augusta Chronicle Author: Rob Pavey Date: Jan. 15, 2013 [...] Even after almost two years of nonstop cleanup work, managing the flow of water [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2013

Japan Environment Minister Cuts Short Press Conference On Decontamination Fiasco

- Japan Environment Minister Cuts Short Press Conference On Decontamination Fiasco (Simply Info, Jan 11, 2013): Video on the Asahi Shimbun website shows the minister, Nobuaki Ishihara making a brief statement and rushing away from the podium as the press tries to ask questions. The environment ministry has said they will look into the widespread problem [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 14. Januar 2013

Japan: 125,000 Bq/Kg Cesium From Soil Of Agriculture And Industry Water Reservoir

- 125,000 Bq/Kg of cesium from the soil of water reservoir for agriculture and industry in Minamisoma city (Fukushima Diary, 10, 2013) continue reading world news

Samstag, 12. Januar 2013

MSM Silent On Fukushima Radiation Impact In US

- Media Silent on Fukushima Radiation Impact in US (OpEdNews, Jan 10, 2013) continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013

‘Catastrophic’: Hundreds Of Wildfires Rage In Australia Amid Record Heat Wave (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

This undated handout picture provided by New South Wales Rural Fire Service (NSW Rural Fire Service) on January 8, 2013 shows a NSW Rural Fire Service worker spraying water on a bush fire at Green Point in New South Wales. (AFP Photo/ NSW Rural Fire Service) - ‘Catastrophic’: Hundreds of wildfires rage in Australia amid [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013

1,000 Ships Stranded In Frozen Ocean As China Is Gripped By Extreme Cold Snap

- ?Trapped in an icy prison: 1,000 ships stranded in frozen ocean as China is gripped by extreme cold snap (Daily Mail, Jan 6, 2013): China is enduring its most brutal cold snap in 28 years More than 1,000 ships are frozen in place in Shandong province Travel across the nation has been severely affected [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 6. Januar 2013

Belgian Environmental Study Corroborates Existence And Effects Of Weather Modification

- Belgian Environmental Study Corroborates Existence and Effects of Weather Modification (Activist Post, Jan 2, 2013): Even as the mainstream media and a television-obsessed American public refuse to admit the existence of chemtrails and government-sponsored weather modification programs, the evidence continues to mount with ever-increasing speed that not only do these programs exist, but they [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 4. Januar 2013

Wildfires Hit Australia Amid Worst Heatwave In Decade

- Wildfires Hit Australia Amid Worst Heatwave in Decade (Bloomberg, Jan 4, 2012): Wildfires are sweeping through parts of rural Australia as the biggest heatwave since 2001 spreads across the nation bringing near-record temperatures. State-wide fire bans are in force in the southern island state of Tasmania and in Victoria, while emergency services issued bushfire [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2013

US: Rad State Road Trip (EnviroReporter)

- Rad State Road Trip (EnviroReporter, Dec 31, 2012) continue reading world news