Mittwoch, 31. August 2011

Monsanto Corn Creating New Super Bugs – Corn Crops In Iowa Attacked By Destructive Pests: Researcher

- Monsanto: Corn crop pain (CNN): More information on GMOs: GM food alters your DNA, changes your brain waves, destroys your immune system, your organs and makes you infertile. - The Attack Of The Monsanto Superinsects And Superweeds - Monsanto And The Mortal Danger To Traditional Agriculture – Monsanto To Sell GM Sweet Corn In [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 30. August 2011

Greenpeace: Fukushima Schools Unsafe For Children With Radiation Readings As Much As 70 Times Above Safety Limit

- Greenpeace: Fukushima schools unsafe after clean-up (Reuters, Aug 29, 2011): Greenpeace said on Monday that schools and surrounding areas located 60 km (38 miles) from Japan’s tsunami-hit nuclear power plant were unsafe for children, showing radiation readings as much as 70 times internationally accepted levels. The environmental group took samples at and near three [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 28. August 2011

Japan: Radioactive Rice In Chiba And Ibaraki Prefecture

- #Radioactive Rice in Chiba and Ibaraki, but Not in Fukushima (EX-SKF, August 26, 2011): Not to the extent that may cause “chaos” as Professor Kosako predicted, but the prefectural authorities have tested the early harvest and radioactive cesium has been found in Ibaraki and Chiba. The first to find radioactive rice was Ibaraki Prefecture, [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 25. August 2011

China Detects Radioactive Strontium-90, Silver-110m And Cesium-134 In Firefly Squid Off Fukushima Coast

- Radioactive Strontium in Firefly Squid Off Fukushima Coast, Says China (EX-SKF, August 24, 2011): plus cesium-134 (half-life of about 2 years) and silver-110m (half life about 250 days). Strontium-90′s half life is about 30 years. From Jiji Tsushin (8/24/2011): ????????24???????????????????????????????????29?????????????????90???????????????????????????????134????????????110m??????? China’s State Oceanic Administration announced on August 24 that strontium-90 was detected in the [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 24. August 2011

‘Monster’ Hail Storm In China, With Hail Stones The Size Of Rice Bowls (Video)

Hail stones the size of rice bowls rain down on cars and smash their windows. YouTube Added: 22.08.2011 continue reading world news

Sonntag, 21. August 2011

2,200 Becquerels Per Kg Radioactive Cesium Detected In Boar Meat In Miyagi Prefecture

- Radioactive cesium detected in boar meat in Miyagi Pref. (Mainichi Japan, August 20, 2011): SENDAI (Kyodo) — Radioactive cesium at a level over four times the government-set safety limit has been detected in the meat of a wild boar captured in Kakuda city, Miyagi Prefecture, the prefectural government said Friday. It is the first [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 19. August 2011

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Releasing 10 Trillion Becquerels Per Hour (Video)

I’ve posted this video before, but this really needs to get more attention. Christopher Busby: Chernobyl-like radiation found in Tokyo YouTube I was told by somebody who heard this from a TEPCO official, who was talking to the Prime Minister of Japan, who said that the releases from the plant are now at the order [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 18. August 2011

Wall Street Journal: How the Japanese Government Failed Residents of Namie, Fukushima

- Wall Street Journal: How the Japanese Government Failed Residents of Namie, Fukushima (EX-SKF, Wednesday, August 17, 2011): Clearly, the Japanese government didn’t understand, didn’t know the meaning of, “simulation”. The whole point of simulation is to provide possible scenarios based on limited inputs, and that’s what SPEEDI was supposed to do. It did exactly [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 16. August 2011

Fukushima Nursery School: Geiger Counter ‘Nearly Off The Scale’ Near Play Equipment – Parents Pack Up Fukushima Children (Video)

- Parents pack up Fukushima children (ABC News, August 15, 2011): Many parents living around Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear plant are sending their children away, while other are keeping their kids indoors. Radiation STILL off the scale at Fukushima primary school YouTube continue reading world news

Sonntag, 14. August 2011

Radiation Contamination: Fukushima Schools Unable To Drain Pool Water

- Radiation contamination leaves Fukushima schools unable to drain pool water (Mainichi Japan, August 13, 2011): Many schools in Fukushima Prefecture are at a loss over what do to with their swimming pools, which can’t be used or drained because the water is tainted with radioactive materials from the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 12. August 2011

Citizen Group Wants Radiation Tests Done In Canada – Health Canada Calls Radiation At More Than 300 Times Background Level ‘MINUTE’

See also: - Health Canada Detected Massive Amounts Of Radioactive Material From Fukushima: ‘Authorities Don’t Want People To Have An Understanding Of This’ - Canada: Dangerous Levels Of Radiation – Highly Radioactive Rain in Lake Louise, BC (1.66 mcSv/hr) (07/18/2011) - Citizen group wants radiation tests done in Canada, ( Straight, August 11, 2011): A [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 10. August 2011

More on Returning Residents To Radioactive Homes, Schools In Fukushima

WTF! Related info: - WAKE-UP CALL: Prof. Tatsuhiko Kodama of Tokyo University To Japan Government ‘Shaking With Anger’: ‘What Are You Doing?’ (Part 1, 2, 3) - Prof. Chris Busby On HOT PARTICLES – ‘The Citizens Of Fukushima Are Living In An Area Which The Soviet Union Would Have Considered To Be An Exclusion Zone [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 9. August 2011

Japan Rice Futures Surge 40%, Trigger Circuit Breaker On Concerns Fukushima Radiation Will Destroy Crops

Flashback: - Former Japanese Government Nuclear Advisor Toshiso Kosako: ‘Come The Harvest Season In The Fall, There Will Be A Chaos’ – Ceiling On Schoolyard Radiation Levels ‘Unacceptable’ – Much More Radiation Threats To Come - Japan Rice Futures Surge 40%, Trigger Circuit Breaker On Concerns Fukushima Radiation Will Destroy Crops (ZeroHedge, Aug 8, 2011): [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 4. August 2011

Unbelievable: 12,600 High School Students From All Over Japan Gather In Fukushima For Annual Cultural Festival

See also: - WAKE-UP CALL: Prof. Tatsuhiko Kodama of Tokyo University To Japan Government ‘Shaking With Anger’: ‘What Are You Doing?’ (Part 1, 2, 3) - #Radiation in Japan: 12,600 High School Students from All Over Japan Gather in Fukushima for Annual Cultural Festival (EX-SKF, August 3, 2011): As ultra-hot spots exceeding 5 sieverts/hour are [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 2. August 2011

Australia’s Former Top Nuclear Official On Measured 10+ Sieverts: ‘It Means You’re Directly Exposed To Fuel Rods In The Reactors Or The Spent Fuel Ponds’

- Record-high radiation detected at Fukushima (ABC News, August 2, 2011): The company that owns Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant says it has detected record-high radiation on site. Almost five months after Japan’s government announced a nuclear emergency, the company which owns the Fukushima nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), says radiation levels [...] continue reading world news