Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012

Japan Earthquake Map Of January 2012 Shows MASSIVE Amount Of Quakes

- Earthquake Map of Japan in the 1st Month of 2012 (EX-SKF, Jan. 29, 2012): (You can’t even see Japan in the first map.) From the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention website, “Hypocenter map“. Last 30 days: Last 7 days: Last 24 hours: A lot of Magnitude 4 quakes, and a [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012

Japanese School’s Water Supply Facility On Top Of the Roof Was Left Open And It Is Not Known Since When

Größere Kartenansicht - The water supply facility was left open, and school doesn’t know since when (Fukushima Diary, Jan. 28, 2012): The father to have 2 children go to elementary school tweeted about the management ability of a school in Japan. They live in Tamaku Kawasaki shi Kanagawa. @suzusuzu9527 suzusuzu9527 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Source <Translation> Elementary school of [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 27. Januar 2012

Over 30% Of Tested Fukushima Children Have Thyroid Lumps

A lot of ‘baseless rumors’ are growing inside your children. See also: - Tepco: Fukushima Releases 70 MILLION BEQUERELS PER HOUR, Up 12 Million Bq From December - Prof. Dr. Chris Busby: ‘You Shouldn’t Go On A Business Trip To Japan’ – ‘Get Out Of Japan’ – ‘Run!’ – ‘I Would Get Out Of Tokyo’ [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2012

Mid-Summer Snow In New Zealand

- Snow falling in South Island (New Zealand Herald, Jan. 22, 2012): Mid-Summer snow is falling and settling on Porters Pass this afternoon in the South Island, along with hail and other winter conditions on Arthurs Pass reports WeatherWatch.co.nz. WeatherWatch.co.nz’s West Coast reporter, Andy Thompson, says traffic is heavier than usual and describes the current [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 23. Januar 2012

NHK (Government, TEPCO) Cover-Up Exposed: March 12, 2011 News: ‘Reactor 1 Fuel Rods Are Exposed…’ – ‘Oops, We’re Not Supposed to Say That…’ (Video)

- March 12, 2011 NHK News at Noon: “Reactor 1 Fuel Rods Are Exposed…” – “Oops, We’re Not Supposed to Say That…” (EX-SKF, Jan. 22, 2012): After the announcer read the news about the fuel rods in Reactor 1 getting exposed and the situation becoming very dangerous, someone in the background said “Hey we’re not [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 21. Januar 2012

An Arctic Ribbon Seal Appears In Seattle

From the article: “The Seattle ribbon seal’s story is unknown, but one could be forgiven for thinking it a harbinger of things to come. This week, cold winds from Alaska helped create a record winter storm in Seattle, slamming the metro area with 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters) of snow.” - Rare [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2012

Severe Cold Wave Hits Southern India With Lowest Temperatures In More Than 100 Years

- Cold wave claims 15 lives in Andhra Pradesh (Times of India, Jan. 17, 2012) - Cold wave claims 15 lives in southern India (New Kerala, Jan. 17, 2012): NEW DELHI : At least fifteen people have died this week as a severe cold wave hits southern India, the Times of India reported on Tuesday. [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012

Very High Levels Of Radiation Detected In Osaka Bay Soil (More Than 550 Km Away From Fukushima Meltdowns)

Google translation: -  Cesium 9,686 Bq / kg soil in Osaka Bay seabed emergency essentials – ? ? 1 / 14, strontium-90 detected! (Jan. 14, 2012): Cesium 9,686 Bq / kg soil in Osaka Bay seabed emergency essentials – ? ? 1 / 14, strontium-90 detected! - Detected 9,686 Bq / kg in radionuclide analysis [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 16. Januar 2012

Prof. Dr. Chris Busby: ‘You Shouldn’t Go On A Business Trip To Japan’ – ‘Get Out Of Japan’ – ‘Run!’ – ‘I Would Get Out Of Tokyo’ (Video)

Prof. Hayakawa of Gunma University: ‘If you don’t educate yourself now and fast, you’ll die.’ YouTube Added: 13.01.2012 Description: 12/20 ??????????????! ????????? ?????? Dr.Busby on Sky TV: Fallujah, Fukushima and Radiation from “One Step Beyond” ??&???Theo Chalmers / Guest : Dr. Chris Busby ??????Jo2Rayden? 1.???????????? ????IAEA?????????????????????????????????????????????????BBC????????????????????­????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????100km?????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????3,000?????????100km??100­???????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????”??????????”???????????????????????­3???”????”???????????????????????????????????????????????3???”???”??????????? ?MOX???????????????????????????????????????????????MOX???????????”???”??????????­YOUTUBE???????3?????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????”??????”????????????????­?????????????? ??????????????????”???”?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????­????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????100,000Bq/kg/m­2??????????? http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/NSRG/tyt2004/tondel.pdf [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 14. Januar 2012

Snow Chaos: Heaviest Snowfalls In Alps In 30 years – European Ski Resorts In ‘Lockdown’

A resident in Ischgl, Austria, contemplates the enormous task of clearing the snow from his roof More pictures and video here: - European ski resorts in ‘lockdown’ after freak snowfalls cut road, rail and air links (Daily Mail, Jan. 11, 2012): Many have become stranded since the weekend because of the heaviest snowfalls in Alps [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012

Independent Journalist Interviews Fukushima Blogger Numauchi Emiko Whose Teeth And Nails Are Falling Out

- Live : Minamisoma blogger is on Ustream (Fukushima Diary, Jan. 10, 2012): Following up this article about Fukushima women losing their hair… The Minamisoma blogger, Numauchi Emiko, is on Ustream right now. (Was a live event – no longer live) Independent journalist Iwakami Yasumi had an interview with her. (Note, the original movie was [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 10. Januar 2012

Fukushima Citizens: Recent Earthquakes Were Different, Felt Like Underground Explosions

Flashback: - Dr. Helen Caldicott Interviews Arnie Gundersen: A Fresh Report On Fukushima (Audio): Melted Core To Hit Groundwater, Will Leak Out Anyway, Groundwater Already Contaminated, Massive Contamination Of The Ocean - Fukushima citizen “Recent earthquake is something different” (Fukushima Diary, Jan. 9, 2012): Fukushima citizens tweet that recent series of the earthquake feel different [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 8. Januar 2012

Mysterious Cesium Spike In Fukushima On Jan 2, 2012

- Mysterious Spike in Cesium Fallout in Fukushima on Jan 2, 2012 (Updated with Chiba Information) (EX-SKF, Jan. 6, 2012): The spike happened one day after the pretty big earthquake (seismic intensity scale 4) on January 1, 2012, which caused the water level of the Skimmer Surge Tank of Reactor 4 to fluctuate unexpectedly. Only [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 6. Januar 2012

Florida: Freezing Temperatures In EVERY County According To NOAA

PDF: NOAA – National Weather Service – Jan 04 2012 continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2012

Fukushima Woman: ‘Everyone Feels Absolutely Furious, It Just Bubbles Inside’ – ‘We Feel Like We Could Explode’ (Financial Times)

The people of Japan should have ‘exploded’ a long time ago! MSM will never tell the truth about (low level) radiation. See this: -  Studies Prove: Fukushima Safety Level NOT SAFE! (Video) - Prof. Yury Bandazhevsky: Over 50 Bq/Kg In Humans Leads To Irreversible Lesions In Vital Organs – CRIMINAL WHO And IAEA EXPOSED (Video) [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 2. Januar 2012

Fukushima News

- Former plant engineer talks Tepco is taking a chance for reactor 4 - Breaking News: M7 hits Japan and water leakage at reactor 4 - Emergency mail from Tepco to Mass media about reactor 4 - Fukushima women are losing their hair - ICRP underestimated the low dose symptom risk by 85% - Western [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

Asahi Shinbun: Radioactive Car Emitting 279 Microsieverts/Hour

- #Radioactive Car Emitting 279 Microsieverts/Hr, Reports Asahi Shinbun (EX-SKF, Dec. 30, 2011): I don’t know why Asahi is putting out this lame article right now, as it sure looks like the information was there already back in June. (What surprised me more about the article was that there were over 6,400 workers at the [...] continue reading world news