Dienstag, 30. April 2013

Asian Tea, Seaweed, Fish Oil, Kelp & Chlorella Supplements Radioactive And/Or Contaminated With Heavy Metals?

- Are tea, seaweed, fish oil, kelp & chlorella supplements grown in Asia….which most are, radioative and contaminated with heavy metals? (Investment Watch, April 28, 2013) continue reading world news

Sonntag, 28. April 2013

TEPCO To Dump More Highly Radioactive Water Into Pacific Ocean

- Tepco is about to discharge pumped ground water to sea, “They won’t remove 21,000 Bq/m3 of Tritium” (Fukushima Diary, April 26, 2013) continue reading world news

Freitag, 26. April 2013

12 Feet And Rising: Record Flooding Threatens Midwest (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

- 12 feet and rising: Record flooding threatens Midwest (PHOTOS, VIDEO) (RT, April 20, 2013) continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 24. April 2013

RED ALERT: EU Wants To Regulate Cultivation Of ALL Fruits And Vegetables (Even In Private Gardens)

Original article in German down below. Google translation: - EU wants to regulate cultivation of fruit and vegetables in gardens (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, April 23, 2013): The European Commission wants to impose on farmers and gardeners in the future the use of standard seeds. Old and rare varieties have little chance of an approval, their [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 22. April 2013

Obama Approves EPA’s Higher ‘SAFE’ Radiation Exposure Levels For U.S. Population

- Obama Approves EPA’s Higher Radiation Exposure Levels for U.S. Population (Activist Post, April 18, 2013): According to a statement by PEER (Public Employees For Environmental Responsibility) published on the organization’s website on April 8, 2013, Barack Obama has given final approval for the EPA’s attempt to raise radiation levels in soil and water following [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 20. April 2013

China’s Animal Apocalypse Spreads To DOGS

- China’s Animal Apocalypse Spreads To Dogs (ZeroHedge, April 17, 2013): First it was floating dead pigs, then ducks, then black swans, then mass chicken exterminations, then fish, and now more pigs and also a brand new entrant to the Chinese animal apocalypse: dogs. AP reports that hundreds more pigs have been found dead in [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

New Radioactive Leak Found At Fukushima After ‘Ratzilla’ Causes Second Cooling System Failure

- New Radioactive Leak Found At Fukushima After Rat Causes Second Cooling System Failure (ZeroHedge, April 7, 2013): The Fukushima farce continues: a month after a rat (no really) caused the cooling system at the exploded Japanese nuclear power plant to fail, history repeats itself, leading to the second cooling failure in a month. As [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 16. April 2013

Major 7.8 Earthquake Strikes Iran, ‘Hundreds Of Deaths’ Expected

- Major 7.8 Earthquake Strikes Iran Leaves “Hundreds Dead”; Follows 6.1 Quake From Week Ago (ZeroHedge, April 16, 2013): It was only a week ago that Iran was shaken by a major 6.1 earthquake, striking just 100 km away from the Busher nuclear power plant: a location so “opportune” some, so inclined, saw in this [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 15. April 2013

28,500 Containers Of Radioactive Waste, Containing 58 TRILLION Becquerels, Dumped Into English Channel

An intact barrel of radioactive waste found just kilometers off the French coastline by SWR. - Radiating Remnants: Nuclear Waste Barrels Litter English Channel (Der Spiegel, April 12, 2013): German journalists have discovered barrels of radioactive waste on the floor of the English Channel, just a handful of thousands dumped there decades ago. It was [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 13. April 2013

(Not Only) US Rice Imports Contain Very High Levels Of Lead, Some Samples Exceed PTTI By A Factor Of 120

From the article: FDA spokesman Noah Bartolucci told BBC News that the “FDA plans to review the new research on lead levels in imported rice released today”. “As part of an ongoing and proactive effort to monitor and address contaminants in food traded internationally, FDA chairs an international working group to review current international standards [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 11. April 2013

Deadly Levels Of Radiation Found In Food 225 Miles From Fukushima (Media Blackout On Nuclear Fallout Continues)

- Deadly levels of radiation found in food 225 miles from Fukushima: Media blackout on nuclear fallout continues (Natural News, April 8, 2013): New data released by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) shows once again that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is far from over. Despite a complete media blackout on the [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 9. April 2013

Shanghai Animal Apocalypse Accelerates: Pigs, Ducks, Black Swans, Chickens AND NOW FISH

- Pigs, Ducks, Black Swans, Chickens And Now Fish: The Shanghai Animal Apocalypse Accelerates (ZeroHedge, April 8, 2013): Shanghai just can’t catch a break – first it was floating dead pigs, then ducks, then black swans, then mass chicken exterminations, and now fish. From the Telegraph: ” Just weeks after over 16,000 putrefying pigs were [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 7. April 2013

TEPCO: Fukushima Reservoir Tank Leaked Up To 120 Tons Of Contaminated Water Into Soil

- Fukushima reservoir tank may have leaked contaminated water (Kyodo News, April 6, 2013): Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Friday that up to 120 tons of contaminated water may have leaked into soil from one of the seven underground reservoir tanks at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Around 13,000 cubic meters of contaminated [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 5. April 2013

The Monsanto Protection Act (Video & Transcript)

- The Monsanto Protection Act? A Debate on Controversial New Measure Over Genetically Modified Crops (Democracy Now, April 2, 2013): President Obama outraged food activists last week when he signed into law a spending bill with a controversial rider that critics have dubbed the “Monsanto Protection Act.” The rider says the government must allow the [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 3. April 2013

First Two-Headed Bull Shark Found Off Florida Keys (CNN Video)

Source: CNN Added On March 26, 2013 A fisherman discovers a two-headed bull shark. CNN’s Brooke Baldwin has more. continue reading world news

Dienstag, 2. April 2013

Major oil spill in U.S. after pipeline bursts — 40 miles from Arkansas nuclear plant at ‘emergency Level 4’ — “Like a river” of crude — Nearly 500,000 gallons spilled (VIDEO)

- Major oil spill in U.S. after pipeline bursts — 40 miles from Arkansas nuclear plant at ‘emergency Level 4’ — “Like a river” of crude — Nearly 500,000 gallons spilled (VIDEO) (ENENews, April 1, 2013) continue reading world news