Freitag, 29. November 2013

Scientists Detect Fukushima’s Radioactive Plume Offshore Canada – Prof: Monitoring Rainfall Over Next Couple Years Would Be Prudent

Flashback: “Buckyballs”: - A Radioactive Nightmare … Coming To The U.S. More articles on the buckyballs nightmare HERE (at “… new UC Davis report about uranium-filled “buckyballs” and proof that sea mist carries radiation inland for hundreds of miles …” (Source) - CBC: Gov’t scientists are now detecting Fukushima’s radioactive plume offshore of Canada [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 27. November 2013

Unprecedented Concentration Of Sea Creatures Near Shore In California

Related info: - Fukushima Radiation Plume To Hit U.S. West Coast Any Day Now – Senior Scientist: ‘Really Bizarre’ U.S. Not Testing - NYTimes: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded — Biologist: “It’s a very strange year… The $64,000 question is why?” — Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 25. November 2013

Only Half Of Drugs Removed By Sewage Treatment (Scientific American)

- Only Half of Drugs Removed by Sewage Treatment (Scientific American, Nov 22, 2013): Only about half of the prescription drugs and other newly emerging contaminants in sewage are removed by treatment plants. That’s the finding of a new report by the International Joint Commission, a consortium of officials from the United States and Canada [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 23. November 2013

Fukushima Update (Nov 22, 2013): Sailors In Hawaii Asked To Monitor Fukushima Plumes

ENENews, Nov 22, 2013: - Sailors in Hawaii being asked to monitor Fukushima plumes — TV: New type of debris washing up on islands, “Really looks different… it’s more current driven” — Study: Japan nuclear contamination moving same speed as current (VIDEO) - Tepco Adviser: Wait until Alaska salmon is found with Fukushima contamination, it’s [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 21. November 2013

Fukushima Reactor Designer: I doubt plant can be decommissioned, perhaps enclose it in cement – Nuclear Professor: Solution is to pour concrete all over, but now it’s too late

- Fukushima Reactor Designer: I doubt plant can be decommissioned, perhaps enclose it in cement — Nuclear Professor: Solution is to pour concrete all over, but now it’s too late (VIDEO) (ENENews, Nov 19, 2013): Associated Press, Nov. 19, 2013: “I doubt if Fukushima Dai-ichi’s full decommissioning is possible. Its contamination is so widespread,” said [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 19. November 2013

Alaska: 28% of polar bears with skin lesions & hair loss tested for thyroid abnormalities, like symptoms in seals & walrus – Surprisingly high mortality of musk ox, weak immune system suspected – High rate of embryo deaths & bad eggs for geese

- Alaska: 28% of polar bears with skin lesions & hair loss tested for thyroid abnormalities, like symptoms in seals & walrus — Surprisingly high mortality of musk ox, weak immune system suspected — High rate of embryo deaths & bad eggs for geese (ENENews, Nov 18, 2013): Wildlife Disease and Environmental Health in Alaska: [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 17. November 2013

Columnist: The Truth Must Be Told, Fukushima A Major Global Threat To All Living Flora And Fauna … – Gundersen: Only Thing Saving Us Is The Internet

- Columnist: The truth must be told, Fukushima a major global threat to all living flora and fauna… Mainstream media not best source of information — Gundersen: Only thing saving us is the internet (AUDIO) (ENENews, Nov 16, 2013): Columnist Kay MacDuffee, for the Caledon Enterprise (Greater Toronto), Nov. 13, 2013: [...] perhaps the most [...] continue reading world news

Freitag, 15. November 2013

TOTAL INSANITY At Fukushima Exposed By Fukushima Workers

- TV: Fukushima workers “fear for their own safety” — “The truth is astonishing… I don’t dare wash my hands, even after using toilet” (VIDEO) (ENENews, Nov 14, 2013): NTD Television, Nov. 13, 2013: According to reports by one of the major newspapers in Japan, Mainichi Shimbun, the decontamination workers used to throw the contaminated [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 13. November 2013

Gulf Of Mexico: Disturbing Research: Large Spike In Deadly Flesh-Eating Bacteria After BP Oil Spill – It’s ‘In Their Bloodstream … Affects All Organs’

- TV: University’s research “is so disturbing” — Large spike in deadly flesh-eating bacteria after BP oil spill in Gulf — Expert: Take it very seriously — It’s “in their bloodstream… affects all organs” (VIDEO) (ENENews, Nov 12, 2013): WKRG, Nov. 5, 2013: [Doctor Cova Arias, professor of aquatic microbiology at Auburn University and vibrio [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 11. November 2013

Tokyo Area Hit By Magnitude 5.5 Earthquake

- Tokyo area hit by magnitude 5.5 earthquake (Reuters, Nov 9, 2013): An earthquake with preliminary magnitude of 5.5 shook eastern Japan, including the capital Tokyo, on Sunday morning, but there were no immediate reports of damage and no irregularities at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant. The earthquake was centered in southwest Ibaraki Prefecture, [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 9. November 2013

Super Typhoon Haiyan Hits Central Philippines, Makes Sandy, Katrina Look Like Weak Cousins

- One of world’s strongest storms hits Philippines (CBS News, Nov 8, 2013): One of the strongest storms on record slammed into the central Philippines on Friday, killing at least four people, forcing hundreds of thousands from their homes and knocking out power and communications in several provinces. But the nation appeared to avoid a [...] continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 7. November 2013

Exploding Neurodegenerative Disease Due To Chemtrail Toxins

- Neurologist Warns of Exploding Neurodegenerative Disease Due to Chemtrail Toxins (Natural Society, Oct 31, 2013): Chemtrails are real and they are dangerous, yet so many people still deny their existence. Well if a former Airforce veteran, chemicals and bio-environmental engineering whistle blower or other researchers aren’t convincing enough, then perhaps a neurologist will help people [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Sardine Population Plummets Along U.S. West Coast – ‘Canadian Pacific Fishermen Catch No Sardines In 2013? – AP: Collapse Of Species Feared

- Sardine population plummets along U.S. West Coast — AP: Collapse of species feared — “Canadian Pacific fishermen catch no sardines in 2013? (ENENews, Oct 4, 2013): Orange County Register, November 3, 2013: A steep decline in West Coast sardine populations prompted regulators on Sunday to approve sharp limits on commercial fishing for the species [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 3. November 2013

Celebrated Physician: Fukushima Has Humanity ‘On Brink Of A Possible Worldwide Nuclear Holocaust’ – ‘The World As We Know It Has Changed’ – ‘Effects On Our Health Are Incomprehensible’

- Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity “on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust” — “The world as we know it has changed” — “Effects on our health are incomprehensible” (ENENews, Nov 1, 2013): Infectious disease specialist Dr. Stephen Hosea, MD in the Santa Barbara Independent, October 31, 2013: Radioactive Fallout from Fukushima — The [...] continue reading world news