Montag, 30. Dezember 2013

Mystery Illness Killing Bald Eagles In Western U.S. – Wings Paralyzed, Full Blown Seizures

- ‘High Alert’: Mystery illness killing bald eagles in Western U.S. — Wings paralyzed, full blown seizures — Experts: “Very big concern”… “Never seen anything like this”… “It’s something new”… “We just don’t know what’s going on” (VIDEOS) (ENENews, dec 29, 2013): KUTV, Dec. 28, 2013: Wildlife experts are on high alert as more bald […] continue reading world news

Samstag, 28. Dezember 2013

Holiday havoc as winter weather causes TWO massive Pennsylvania pileups and widespread power outages continue for nearly 100,000 families

- Holiday havoc as winter weather causes TWO massive Pennsylvania pileups and widespread power outages continue for nearly 100,000 families (Daily Mail, Dec 26, 2013) continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 26. Dezember 2013

Virus Kills Over 1,000 Bottlenose Dolphins Along US East Coast

“The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything.” Every dolphin is heavily contaminated with mercury. See also: - The Cove – Oscar Award Winner (‘Best Documentary’) - Virus Kills Over 1,000 Bottlenose Dolphins Along US East Coast (Business Insider/Reuters, Dec 23, 2013): ORLANDO (Reuters) – More than 1,000 migratory bottlenose dolphins have died […] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2013

Pelicans Starving In Pacific Northwest Since 2011, Killing Baby Birds For Food – ‘Sardine Crash’ Persists In Pacific Since Decline In 2011

- Experts: “Really an off year” — Pelicans starving in Pacific Northwest since 2011, killing baby birds for food — Breeding success “really poor” since 2011 — “I believe pelicans are responding to large scale changes” — “Sardine crash” persists in Pacific since decline in 2011 (ENENews, Dec 22, 2013): Laird Henckel, environmental scientist for […] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013

CNN: Severe And Strange Weather Sweeps Nation

- Severe and strange weather sweeps nation, threatens holiday travelers (CNN, Dec 22, 2013): The weekend before Christmas, Mother Nature is gifting — or, rather, clobbering — the United States with a little bit of everything. Ice storms, snow, flooding, thunderstorms, tornadoes and record-setting warmth are all in store, and with this maddening mix comes […] continue reading world news

Freitag, 20. Dezember 2013

10 Times Over Safety Limit In Fish 2 Km Offshore Of Fukushima Daini

- 1,070 Bq/Kg of Cesium-134/137 detected from fish 2km offshore of Fukushima Daini / Over 10 times much as safety limit (Fukushima Diary, Dec 18, 2013) continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2013

16 Signs That ‘Global Warming’ Was A Lie And That We Have Now Entered A Period Of Global Cooling

FYI. See also: - Most Arctic Sea Ice For A Decade - September 21 Breaks The Record For Most Sea Ice Ever Measured At Either Pole - Arctic Ice Sheets Rapidly Expand, Planet Plunges Into Global Cooling, Global Warming Computer Models Collapse - 16 Signs That “Global Warming” Was A Lie And That We Have […] continue reading world news

Montag, 16. Dezember 2013

General Electric Knew Its Reactor Design Was Unsafe … So Why Isn’t GE Getting Any Heat For Fukushima?

- General Electric Knew Its Reactor Design Was Unsafe … So Why Isn’t GE Getting Any Heat for Fukushima? (Washington’s Blog, Dec 11, 2013): GE Engineers and American Government Officials Warned of Dangerous Nuclear Design 5 of the 6 nuclear reactors at Fukushima are General Electric Mark 1 reactors. GE knew decades ago that the […] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 15. Dezember 2013

‘UNPRECEDENTED’: China Bans All Imports Of Shellfish From U.S. West Coast (Washington, Oregon, Alaska And N. California), Ban Will Continue Indefinitely

- ‘Unprecedented’: China bans all imports of shellfish from U.S. West Coast — Official: “They’ve never done anything like that that I’ve ever seen” — Includes Washington, Oregon, Alaska and N. California — Gov’t says it will continue indefinitely (AUDIO) (ENENews, Dec 13, 2013): KUOW, Dec. 13, 2013: China Imposes First-Ever West Coast Shellfish Ban […] continue reading world news

Freitag, 13. Dezember 2013

Large Die-Off Of Alaska Seabirds From Disease Never Found Before In State History

- Large die-off of Alaska seabirds from disease never found before in state history — Official: It’s super, super common… except it’s first time — Hundreds dead per km²; Continued to wash ashore — ‘Relatively’ natural; Witness: Head flopped backward, appeared to have seizure, then dropped dead (AUDIO) (ENENews, Dec 12, 2013): Anchorage Daily News: [...] continue reading world news

Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2013

US Nuclear Officials: Fuel Fragments Were Likely Ejected From Cladding At The 3 Fukushima Reactors – Particles Of Fuel Resemble Highly Radioactive ‘Mystery Black Substance’ Often Seen In Japan Since 3/11

Flashback: - Fukushima: Black Substance At 43 MILLION Bq/Kg Of Cesium - Tokyo: Radioactive Black Substance Is Now ‘EVERYWHERE’ (Videos) - US Nuclear Officials: Fuel fragments were likely ejected from cladding at the 3 Fukushima reactors — Particles of fuel resemble highly radioactive ‘mystery black substance’ often seen in Japan since 3/11 (PHOTOS) (ENENews, Dec [...] continue reading world news

Montag, 9. Dezember 2013

Fukushima: Radiation Level In Underground Water Well Near Ocean Hits Another Record High, Now At 1.4 Billion Bq/m³ Of Strontium/Beta Emitters

- Record radiation level in underground water well near ocean at Fukushima — Tepco: “Rise in radiation readings is an obvious concern” — 1.4 billion Bq/m³ of strontium/beta emitters (ENENews, Dec 8, 2013): TEPCO: Immediate release: GRADUAL RISE IN RADIATION READINGS AT WELL MAY BE LINKED TO IMPROVEMENTS IN GROUNDWATER CONTROL, Dec. 5, 2013 (emphasis [...] continue reading world news

Samstag, 7. Dezember 2013

Britain battered by worst tidal surge in 60 years: Sea walls breached as 20ft waves smash string of east coast towns

- Britain battered by worst tidal surge in 60 years: Sea walls breached as 20ft waves smash string of east coast towns (Daily Mail Dec 4, 2013) continue reading world news

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

Fukushima Two Years On: A Dirty Job With No End In Sight

FYI. - Fukushima two years on: a dirty job with no end in sight (Guardian, Dec 3, 2013): The tsunami that wrecked the Fukushima Daiichi power plant has led to the toughest nuclear cleanup ever. Radioactive water is still poisoning the sea – and it could take 40 years to fix the mess. Is Japan [...] continue reading world news

Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013

Fukushima’s Gigantic Strontium-90 Release

- Study finds giant strontium-90 release into body of water begins around 1,000 days after meltdown — Dec. 5, 2013 = thousand days after 3/11 — Graphic shows very high levels being discharged for up to 50,000 days (ENENEws, Dec 2, 2013): Background information on Fukushima Arjun Makhijani, nuclear expert and President of the Institute [...] continue reading world news

Sonntag, 1. Dezember 2013

Scientist: Leading edge of Fukushima plume is now showing up on West Coast — Fish Market Owner: My customers have a lot of concerns about the nuclear contamination, they’re very smart and educated… I didn’t expect this much concern

Even before the Fukushima disaster seafood was heavily contaminated and in my opinion unfit for human consumption. – Scientist: Leading edge of Fukushima plume is now showing up on West Coast — Fish Market Owner: My customers have a lot of concerns about the nuclear contamination, they’re very smart and educated… I didn’t expect this [...] continue reading world news